Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 568

Chapter 568
Gu Qingtian looked indifferent, and his tone was not room for discussion.

Seeing this, Ye Qingge said directly, "Since Fengyun College is such an unreasonable place, then it's worth not staying."


Zhuang Yuncheng looked at Ye Qingge with a look of excitement, he didn't expect his boss to be so loyal that he could do this for his friends.

"Okay! If the boss leaves, then I won't be studying at Fengyun Academy!" Zhuang Yuncheng then stated his position.

Yu Qianjue was also very surprised, he knew how much effort Ye Qingge had put in to get into Fengyun Academy.

I didn't expect to give up so easily now.

However, this is not impulsiveness, but another aspect of rationality.

It's just a college, so it doesn't matter if you don't stay, Yu Qianjue also followed Ye Qingge and said, "Sect Master Gu, what Xiao Geer means is what I mean."

Yu Qianjue clearly expressed his position, advancing and retreating with Ye Qingge.

Ye Chen then said, "Young Sect Master, I heard that you are magnanimous, so you shouldn't care about it with a mere little girl, right? This Die Wu girl, I think it's pretty good."

One after another, heavyweight characters spoke for Die Wu.

Die Wu understood that these people said this because of Ye Qingge, she looked at Ye Qingge with shame, how could she let her do this.

Even if she is expelled, Ye Qingge must not be implicated!

"Miss Ye, you don't have to do this for me, I..."

"That's enough, since so many people object to my young master's opinion, it proves that my young master's decision is wrong, in that case, the expulsion order is cancelled.

Miss Ye, are you satisfied? "

Gu Qingtian spoke lightly.

In fact, from the very beginning, he didn't intend to fire Die Wu, the reason why he said that was just to put some pressure on Die Wu.

He is not reconciled to letting that woman go like this!
He wanted her to stay in Fengyun Academy, knowing that after he had tortured her and avenged the hatred of the year, it would not be too late for him to kill her.

"I am very satisfied."

Ye Qingge breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Die Wu was not fired, as long as there is this result.

After Die Wu heard the result, her expression became even more nervous. She knew that Gu Qingtian would not let her go so easily, there must be some other tricks waiting for her!
Sure enough, in the next second, Gu Qingtian continued to ask Elder Liu, "I heard that Die Wu was an important suspect in the murder case two months ago, why did it go away?"

"That... because... there is no evidence...so..."

Elder Liu said hesitantly that Fengyun College was indeed responsible for this matter. After two months of investigation, there was still no result. Later, it was covered by the disappearance case.

Now that the Young Sovereign asked, he really didn't know how to reply.

"Evidence can be found slowly, but the suspect cannot be let go.

Lock her up first and interrogate her later. "

Gu Qingtian once again sentenced Die Wu to death.

Forcibly detained in isolation, only students who have committed serious crimes will be punished, it is better to expel her from the academy directly!
This Gu Qingtian is really getting more and more ruthless!
"I don't agree!" Ye Qingge clenched his fists and objected loudly, "What kind of man are you? It's too much to embarrass a woman again and again!"

"My young master is just acting according to the rules. If Ms. Ye wants to save her, she must find evidence." Gu Qingtian said it with reason and evidence. This time, even if Ye Qingge wanted to save someone, he couldn't do it for a while.

So far, Die Wu no longer wants to struggle.

(End of this chapter)

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