Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 569 Die Wu Was Imprisoned 1

Chapter 569 Die Wu Was Imprisoned 1
She knows Gu Qingtian well, once she falls into his hands, if she doesn't recruit, he will definitely try every means to force her.

Ye Han has already fallen into the hands of the student union, and is now in danger.

She couldn't cause Ye Han any more trouble because of her own reasons.

So, in front of everyone, Die Wu admitted frankly,
"That's right, I killed Ma Kou, you don't need to look for evidence, all the evidence has been destroyed by me, as you wish, I recruited, are you satisfied?"

Gu Qingtian frowned, he only half believed what he said.

But since Die Wu has admitted, he has nothing to say, and directly ordered,
"Take it off!"


Soon, an envoy from Fengyun Sect stepped forward to catch Die Wu.

Ye Qingge really wanted to continue saving Die Wu, but Die Wu had already admitted to killing people, and she had no legitimate reason to save Die Wu.

At this time, a man rushed out of the crowd, he was none other than Ma Kou's brother Ma Yi!
These days, Ma Yi felt all kinds of anger, because he didn't find the real culprit, he didn't even have the mood to practice.

Now that the murderer was found, he rushed directly in front of the envoy of Fengyunzong, and said to Gu Qingtian,
"Young Sect Master, this woman killed my brother, I will punish her on the spot, and pay homage to my brother's spirit in heaven!"

"No, although she admitted the fact of the murder, she still has to follow the rules of the academy."

Gu Qingtian spoke very justly, and the reasons were convincing. Ma Yi could not refute, but could only watch helplessly as Die Wu was taken away.

But before he left, his sinister eyes told everyone that this matter would not end so easily!

"Qianjue..." Ye Qingge called Yu Qianjue softly, looking very worried.

Yu Qianjue took Laye Qingge's hand to express comfort,
"Don't worry, this matter will be watched by people, and there will be no surprises for Die Wu."

"En..." Ye Qingge nodded.

At this moment, unlike everyone else's emotions, Liang Wei was very conflicted.

Although I have heard from Yu Qianjue that Ye Han is a demon, but Die Wu killed the person that night. Could it be that Die Wu is also a demon?

Thinking about it, Liang Wei didn't know what to do.


An hour later.

Student Union, underground detention room.

After Die Wu was brought here, she didn't have any fear on her face, she had a calm expression, as if she was ready to end at any time.

In the detention room next to Diewu, Ye Han, who was caught last night, was detained. There was no wall between the two detention rooms, only an iron fence was used to separate them.

As soon as Die Wu came in, Ye Han saw her.

After the people from Fengyun Sect left, Ye Han hurried to Die Wu's side, and asked with concern, "Miss Die Wu, why did you come in?"

"It's a long story. I offended a villain."

Die Wu shrugged, with a hint of calmness in his helpless expression.

Ye Han was still worried.

Immediately afterwards, Die Wu continued, "I killed that Ma Kou, I committed a crime, there is nothing I can do about it."

"No, that person is obviously..."

"No, I killed it."

Die Wu stared at Ye Han closely, motioning him not to speak any further.

Anyway, she had already arrived here, and she didn't think about going out again. She would die anyway, and Ye Han couldn't be troubled.

Ye Han is a demon, and this identity is already sensitive enough. If Feng Yunzong finds out that Ye Han killed someone, Ye Han will definitely be more guilty, and the consequences will be even more dangerous.

Die Wu looked around and after confirming that there was no danger, she quietly came to the iron fence and waved to Ye Han.

(End of this chapter)

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