Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 570 Die Wu Was Imprisoned 2

Chapter 570 Die Wu Was Imprisoned 2
Ye Han came over and approached Die Wu.

Die Wu said to Ye Han in a voice that only two people could hear, "Master Ye Han, I have the ability to save my life, so forget about that."


"I'm really fine, you're just a mother-in-law, that little girl Nangong Ling is still waiting for you to go out!" Die Wu directly stopped Ye Han from continuing to talk.

When Ye Han heard the name "Nangong Ling", his expression obviously changed a bit, and he said rather awkwardly,

"What did you suddenly mention that girl?"

"Of course it's because she likes you!" Die Wu said frankly.

Ye Han was speechless, hesitating, "I...I..."

"And you like her too!" Die Wu said again in a firm tone.

Ye Han's expression became even more difficult, "You..."

"Okay, okay, manly man, why care about so much? If you like it, you like it. Why are you hiding it?
Nangong Ling already knows your identity, she doesn't mind, but is very worried about your safety.

If you can get out alive, don't let her down. "

Die Wu pierced the window paper between Ye Han and Nangong Ling for a long time. As someone who has been there, she saw through some tricks at a glance.

All along, these two people actually liked each other. Although the girl Nangong Ling was bluffing and out of tune every day, she would get nervous every time she had something to do with Ye Han.

As for this Ye Han, although Die Wu didn't know much about him, she could tell that he was sincere to Nangong Ling.

Knowing that it was useless to justify, and what Die Wu said was the truth, Ye Han no longer refuted.

Indeed, he likes Nangong Ling.

The last time he was in Qingyun Kingdom, he and Nangong Ling were taken away that night. From the moment Huangfu Jingshu administered the medicine to Nangong Ling, he had made up his mind.

He likes her so much and doesn't want her to be hurt in any way.

Because of this, he couldn't be with her.

It is impossible for the demons and the human race to have a result. Nangong Ling is a member of the Nangong family in Lingyu, and he is the guardian warrior of the demons. Even if he does not want to recognize the identity of the demons now, he does not want to belong to the demons.

But in the end, when the blood of the demon race is fully awakened and he no longer has human consciousness, he will still go back.

Since it is doomed to fail, why give hope?
Ye Han only likes that Nangong Ling can live a safe life. It's best to be like Miss Six and finally find her true belonging. Don't waste time on a demon like him.

"Miss Diewu, thank you..."

Ye Han heaved a long sigh, his eyes became more calm.

"Thank me for what?" Die Wu asked with a smile

"Thanks for telling me she likes me too.

But if you have a chance, please tell her that the person I like is not her. "

Ye Han lowered his eyes, suppressing the emotions in his heart, and continued to sink.

Die Wu was very helpless, and said with a long sigh, "Why are you doing this? She doesn't mind."

"I mind, and this is a fruitless relationship, you don't understand this feeling, so..."

Ye Han didn't know what to say anymore, but fortunately he just sat in the corner and bowed his head in silence.

Die Wu smiled wryly, how could she not understand the feeling of not being able to love her?

It is precisely because she understands that she doesn't want these two people to hold regrets, why should they separate when they obviously like each other?Why should conflicts between races be imposed on innocent people?
Die Wu was in a complicated mood, and finally stopped talking, and was going to turn around and find a place to sit down.

Just then, the sound of the door opening came.

Die Wu was alert immediately, someone was coming!
who can that be?

(End of this chapter)

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