Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 617 Discovering My Brother’s Secret 1

Chapter 617 Discovering My Brother’s Secret 1
at dusk.

Ye Qingge came to Yu Qianjue's residence, the door was locked, and no one should be there.

Fortunately, she has the key, so she can come in and out freely, and getting in is not a problem, but when Ye Qingge was about to get the key, she suddenly felt that it was boring to sit and wait, so she might as well talk to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's door was unlocked, so Ye Qingge pushed the door open and entered.

"Brother, are you there?" Ye Qingge called out, but no one answered.

It's strange that the door is not closed when no one is around. This is not her brother's style.

Ye Qingge continued to walk forward, and found that the doors inside were closed, especially the study room, where traps were set up.

Make it so mysterious, is there any ulterior secret?

Ye Qingge rubbed her chin, and started to activate Sherlock Holmes mode, wanting to know the mysterious secret in the room.

But after thinking about it for a while, she realized that she was just an ordinary person and couldn't figure out her brother's secret at all.

"Why don't you just go in and take a peek?" Ye Qingge became more and more curious, and said as he walked forward, "Brother, in your last life you installed a tracker on your mobile phone, and often hacked into my computer, monitoring me like a prisoner.

In this life, I want to see what secrets you are keeping from me, hum! "

Ye Qingge knew Ye Chen very well, and after a lot of twists and turns for Ye Chen's trap, she managed to break through it.

Afterwards, she entered the study room, and the first thing she saw was an ink painting.

There is a young girl in the painting, who is very similar to her, and is completely carved out of a template.

"This painting is not bad, it turns out my brother is such a good painter!"

Ye Qingge's small box walked towards the painting.

Elder Kun in the Qiankun bracelet couldn't bear it any longer, and directly complained, "Are you stupid or are you stupid?"

"Hey, Mr. Kun, you are finally online?" Ye Qingge joked with a smile.

Recently, Mr. Kun has been busy practicing and ignored her. It is really rare to finally say something now.

Mr. Kun didn't want to say anything more when he heard this ridicule, come on, I hope this silly girl is lucky, Ye Chen's meaning is so obvious, she didn't notice it at all, really... Sigh!

"Eh? What is this?"

After Ye Qingge finished reading the painting, she wandered around the room, and then found a trap, she moved it slightly, and a pile of letters came out of the trap.

Looking at the piles of thick secret letters, Ye Qingge felt something was wrong.

It seems that my brother really has a lot of secrets to hide from her. Most of these letters seem to be correspondence with the Ye family, but if they are family letters, there are too many, right?
What exactly is the content of the letter?
Trembling, Ye Qingge took out a letter and wanted to open it, but reason told her no.

This is my brother's privacy, if she opens it, will it go too far.

Although they are brothers and sisters, they still have to be given some space. If Ye Chen peeks at her letters, she will definitely be angry.

However, it has already reached this point, it would be a pity if you don't read anything.

"Why don't you just read one?"

Ye Qingge talked to himself, picked up a letter excitedly and apprehensively, and began to read it.

But after reading the content, her face changed immediately.

Brother Yechen actually... actually...

Ye Qingge couldn't believe it, she read a few more letters one after another, most of the contents of the letters were the same, they all urged the same thing——

Ask Ye Chen to find the demon princess, bring her back to the Ye family, and use the blood of the demon princess to break the seal of the Ye family.

Afterwards, the demon princess dies, and the Ye family will unify the spiritual realm and Hongmeng Continent.

(End of this chapter)

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