Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 618 Discovering My Brother’s Secret 2

Chapter 618 Discovering My Brother’s Secret 2
Ye Qingge's body trembled more and more, and she had already guessed about her identity at all points.

Ye Han is the guardian of the demon clan, and his mission is to protect the princess of the demon clan.

In the past, Ye Han had told her more than once that he had a natural sense of mission to her, and the meaning of his existence was to protect her, not because she was the sixth miss of the Ye family, but because she was her, Ye Qing Song.

At first, Ye Qingge didn't understand, but combined with the recent events and the plum blossom birthmark behind her, she suddenly felt that she was very likely to be the demon princess.

The purpose of my brother coming to Fengyun Academy is to catch her and use her blood to break the seal of the Ye family.

The more Ye Qingge thought about it, the more frightened she became. With trembling hands, she began to put the envelope back in place.

Although she and Ye Chen were brothers and sisters before, for Ye Chen, this life is a new start, there was no blood relationship between them in the previous life, let alone this life.

Ye Chen would never do anything to betray the family for her nominal younger sister.

The safest way is to pretend that you don't know anything, and the farther you can get away from Ye Chen in the future, the better.

"Boom boom boom——"

Three times, five divisions, two, Ye Qingge put all the letters away, and then put the organs back in place.

But just as she was about to leave the room, there were footsteps outside, no, it must be her brother who came back!
Ye Qingge hurriedly found a place to hide, but the place to hide in the study was too small, only under the desk.

Ye Qingge took a deep breath and quickly hid under the table.

At this time, Ye Chen just entered the room.

As soon as he entered the door, he knew that the study had been tampered with.

He set up a mechanism at the door, and now that the mechanism has been cracked, who has been here?What exactly was flipped?
Ye Chen quickly walked towards the secret compartment, turned on the trigger, and read the letter again.

The location of some places has changed. Although the restoration is very similar, he clearly remembers that he put the last letter sent by the Ye family in the upper left corner of the dark grid instead of the middle.

The letter has been read.

Who exactly did it?

Yu Qianjue?He lived right across from him, in the entire Fengyun Academy, but he was the most suspected.

"Heh, as expected of the leader of the black market, he really has some skills."

Ye Chen didn't expect that when he suspected Yu Qianjue, Yu Qianjue also started to investigate him.

This time he left Fengyun Academy for a few days, although he did not find out Ye Han's whereabouts, but he learned about Yu Qianjue's biggest secret - the leader of the black market.

Ye Qingge hid in the dark and frowned slightly when she heard Ye Chen chanting "the leader of the black market".

Brother also knows the leader of the black market?No, from his tone, it seemed that he suspected that the person who invaded the room was the leader of the black market.

But the leader of the black market came all the way to Fengyun College just to check this kind of news, it should be impossible.

Ye Qingge couldn't understand the more he thought about it.

At this time, Ye Qingge didn't know that the leader of the black market was Yu Qianjue. will just forget it.

Time passed bit by bit, and Ye Chen never left the study. After he put the letter back in Ange, he came to the picture scroll.

The girl in the painting was drawn by him stroke by stroke.

This picture is the first time he saw Ye Qingge after he came to Fengyun Academy.

I thought that finding the person I like would finally relieve the pain of lovesickness for many years, but I didn't expect that he would still have no relationship in this life, and Qingge already had someone else in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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