Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 637 Transformation, She is the Princess of the Demon Race 10

Chapter 637 Transformation, She is the Princess of the Demon Race 10
"Ye Han, our purpose is the same as yours, to protect Her Highness the Princess.

Think about it, with the strength of our three demons, can we compete with the entire human race?Obviously impossible.

Her Royal Highness has already unlocked eight layers of seals, and her strength is not what it used to be. If you take her to Da'an, maybe she can unify all the demons. "

Tian Lei continued to persuade.

Ye Han's expression became more and more impatient, "After all, you just want to use the princess to fulfill your ambitions!"

"That's not our ambition, it's the goal of the entire Demon Race, it's the last wish of the Demon King!
Ye Han!If you don't belong to the guardian clan, we wouldn't dare to do anything to you! "

The ground is in a hurry, he has a bad temper, and now he has heard that there is no progress, and he can't wait to fight directly.

Just when the scene was at a critical moment, Ye Qingge on Ye Han's back woke up.

"your Highness!"

"your Highness!"

Seeing Ye Qingge wake up, Tianlei Dihuo immediately shouted loudly.

Ye Qingge opened his eyes, looked suspiciously at the two strange guys in front of him, and then saw the ruins around him, completely unaware of what was going on.

And myself... seems to be on someone else's back?
"Who are you? Let me go!"

Ye Qingge yelled, immediately jumped off Ye Han's back, and looked at the people in front of him defensively.

Tianlei Dihuo thought that the princess didn't know them, so he was so defensive, so he explained, "Your Highness, we are the guardians of the demon clan, the exclusive army under the old devil king."

"What demon king and demon clan, I don't understand." Ye Qingge frowned.

Ye Han sensed something was wrong, so he asked, "Your Highness, do you still remember who I am?"

"How do I know who you are! What the hell kind of place is this!" Ye Qingge looked around, the feeling of ruins made her very uncomfortable.

Ye Han faintly felt that his worries seemed to be correct...

"Your Highness, do you still remember who you are?"

"Are you kidding me? How could I not know who I am? My name...my name...my name seems to be Ye Qingge..."

Ye Qingge's voice became less and less confident, and she couldn't remember anything except this name.

And the old soul in the Qiankun bracelet was also shocked by the sudden explosion, and was temporarily in a coma, unable to guide the current Ye Qingge.

"Your Highness, have you really lost your memory?" Ye Han asked tentatively.

When Tianlei and Dihuo heard the news, they were more happy than sad. Ye Qingge lost her memory, which means that she forgot about the past and saved a lot of trouble. As long as she is willing to return to the Demon Race, everything is fine!

"Well, I really don't remember, who are you?" Ye Qingge asked again.

Tianlei was the first to respond, "Your Highness, I am your most loyal subordinate. My name is Tianlei. You are the princess of our Demon Race. Now you need to return to the Demon Race. We will follow you to unify the Hongmeng Continent!"

"That's right! We're called Dihuo, and I'm also your subordinate!" Dihuo responded.

Ye Qingge looked at Ye Han, "What about you?"

"I am your most loyal guard, Ye Han." Ye Han responded helplessly.

Ye Qingge rubbed his chin, looked at the three demons, and then asked curiously, "Are the demons fun?"

"This one……"

Tianlei and Dihuo looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.

Ye Qingge didn't get an answer for a long time, and she looked reluctant, "It must not be fun to cut you off, I won't go to the Demon Race!"

"Don't, don't, please think twice, Your Highness the Princess!" Dihuo quickly began to persuade.

(End of this chapter)

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