Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 638 Transformation, She is the Princess of the Demon Race 11

Chapter 638 Transformation, She is the Princess of the Demon Race 11
Tianlei looked at Ye Han and signaled Ye Han to think of a way quickly. He and the princess knew each other best, so there must be a way for Her Royal Highness to go to the Demon Race with them.

Ye Han was also very helpless. Although he didn't want Ye Qingge to be in danger, he was still a demon, and his duty as a demon was to see the unity of the demons.

Furthermore, Yue Wanrou is still in Da'an, and she must be in a very dangerous situation. She is the princess' mother, and when the princess recovers her memory, she will definitely think about saving her mother as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Ye Han said, "Your Highness, your mother is with Da'an, and she has been waiting for you to rescue her."

"Mother? What's that?"

"This..." Ye Han was a little at a loss for words. He found that Her Royal Highness knew nothing about everything now, and it was really troublesome to explain, so he could only say, "She is the most important person to you. Without her, there would be no you." .”

"Oh, then go and save her." Ye Qingge agreed casually.

Tianlei: "..."

Earth Fire: "..."

Ye Han: "..."


half a month later.

Mozu, Da'an tribe.

When Ye Qingge appeared here with Ye Han, Tianlei, and Earthfire, Da'an's subordinates were taken aback!
Didn't you say that the demon princess is dead?The magic palace turned into ruins, why did it reappear?
And the plum blossom birthmark on her head has already broken eight layers of seals, which is too powerful!
"Quick! Go and report to Chief Da'an that the princess is coming!!!"

Ye Qingge had learned some basic common sense in the past half a month, so she was quite calm when she saw this occasion.

Thunder and fire protected Ye Qingge, and they soon arrived at the palace of the Da'an tribe.

Da'an looked at Ye Qingge in surprise, frowned slightly, and did not salute immediately.

Tianlei immediately scolded, "Da'an, why don't you kneel down when you see Her Highness the Princess?"

"Princess? I, Da'an, only know that I also have a princess here. You are probably fake empresses, right? Guardian Tianlei, you have always been smart, so don't be fooled by such simple means." Da'an looked disdainful.

"Presumptuous! How dare you question the identity of Her Highness the Princess!"

"Hmph, this commander is just questioning, what can you do to me?" Da'an knew that the magic palace of thunder and earth fire had been destroyed, and now he had no strength to contend with him, so he was very domineering.

Tianlei became more and more angry, and roared angrily, "Da'an, you'd better take back what you just said!"

"Enough, it's too noisy." Ye Qingge interrupted the conversation of the demons impatiently. She came here to find her mother, and she left as soon as she found her. She didn't like listening to these monsters talking blindly.

"Hey, you are Da'an, right? Ye Han said that you captured my mother and returned her to me, so I will spare you."

"You fake princess, do you want to take this opportunity to disturb the momentum of my demon clan? I, Da'an, will not let you succeed!" Da'an responded coldly.

Ye Han couldn't bear it anymore, came out and said, "Da'an, I swear by the reputation of protecting the clan, this is the real princess of the demon clan, the plum blossom birthmark on her forehead will never lie to you."

"Plum blossom birthmarks can be faked. Since you are a descendant of the Guardian Clan, you should know that the entire Demon Clan only thinks of Her Royal Highness, and that's in my Da'an Tribe!" Da'an still refused to recognize Ye Qingge's identity.

He finally managed to control the demon king's daughter, but he didn't expect the demon king's granddaughter to come again, with a plum blossom birthmark, which is of orthodox blood.

Since this is the case, won't he be the same as before, begging for perfection?

No, he wants to be the leader of the demon clan, he doesn't want to be controlled!
(End of this chapter)

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