Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 644 Liang Wei and Zhan Xian 4

Chapter 644 Liang Wei and Zhan Qianxian 4
Zhan Qianxian said helplessly, "No, he is the daughter of a prince of the Dragon Empire, so he cannot be killed casually."


Liang Wei reluctantly agreed.

Just like that, Zhan Qianxian and Liang Wei came to the main hall.

Yu Anya was anxiously waiting for her sweetheart at this time. After hearing that Zhan Qianxian did not reject her this time, but came out to greet her in person, she was so happy that she was speechless. Could it be that Master Guoshi finally accepted her?

However, the next second, when she saw Master Guoshi walking in holding a woman's hand, she knew that she was thinking too much.

Resisting the dissatisfaction in her heart, Yu Anya asked in a low voice, "My lord, is she..."

"Future Mrs. Guoshi." Zhan Qianxian introduced Liang Wei with a single word.

Liang Wei was a little uncomfortable with this title, but she wasn't very disgusted. Since she kissed Zhan Qianxian just now, her mentality has undergone some subtle changes.

"It turns out that you are the person that the national teacher likes..." Yu Anya's voice was slightly uncomfortable.

She didn't think this woman in purple was so good. Although she looked beautiful, her temperament was too cold. Men like gentle and pleasant women. Even if the national teacher liked her, it was probably just a novelty for a while.

Liang Wei felt Yu Anya's hostility, and she didn't mind, after all, she never put people weaker than her in the eye.

This Yu Anya, she can solve it with one sword.

Zhan Qianxian gave Liang Wei a look, the meaning was obvious, and asked Liang Wei to drive this troublesome woman away quickly.

So, Liang Wei said directly, "Girl, you are not welcome here, you can go."


Yu Anya was stunned. She used to come to the National Teacher's Mansion, although Zhan Qianxian didn't treat her very much, but she never took the initiative to drive people away, and always kept her indifferent.

I didn't expect that today, this person would let her go directly. Did he take her princess seriously?hateful!

"My princess thinks the feng shui here is good, so I don't want to leave."

Yu Anya also started to be self-willed, she sat there angrily, and wanted to see how Liang Wei would drive her away next.

Liang Wei's eyes darkened, and she was about to use violence to expel Yu Anya, but recalling what Zhan Qianxian said, she couldn't be too ruthless.

In desperation, she could only resort to another method.

Sitting on Zhan Qianxian's lap, Liang Wei began to perform the scene in the backyard just now, kissing Zhan Qianxian!
She didn't believe that the princess could continue to sit in her seat as if nothing had happened.

Zhan Qianxian was frightened by Liang Wei's kiss. To be exact, he was so surprised that he didn't know how to respond.

But after hesitating for three seconds, he turned passive into active, grabbed Liang Wei's head, and continued to deepen the kiss.

Sure enough, seeing this scene, Yu Anya couldn't bear it anymore.

She stood up angrily, stomped her feet, and left.

After Yu Anya left, Liang Wei thought the kiss could be over, but Zhan Qianxian didn't expect to let go.

Not only that, he even used spiritual power to close the door of the hall!

What is this man doing?
Should he be...

don't want……

Liang Wei desperately refused in her heart, but her body softened slowly under Zhan Qianxian's attack.

He gradually became bolder, reaching into her collar and touching the softest part.

Afterwards, he felt that the clothes were too in the way, so he directly shattered all of Liang Wei's clothes, including the purple apron, with a powerful spiritual force.

In an instant, Liang Wei appeared in front of Zhan Qianxian without any concealment.

His Adam's apple twitched, and finally let go of the kiss, and started to go all the way down...

(End of this chapter)

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