Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 645 Liang Wei and Zhan Xian 5

Chapter 645 Liang Wei and Zhan Qianxian 5
Liang Wei was terrified. It was the first time she experienced such a thing. Although she was well prepared for this, she still couldn't accept it easily.

"don't want……"

Liang Wei struggled to make a sound.

Zhan Qianxian ignored them and continued to kiss, looking forward to the reunion for many years, the scene of fantasizing for many years, today finally came true, how could he stop.

"Longer... Longer..."

Zhan Qianxian would call Liang Wei's last life's name from time to time, but Liang Wei was not happy. She felt that she was just a stand-in, not someone Zhan Qianxian really liked.

But then, she found this kind of thinking ridiculous, and she didn't like this man, so why should she care what he thinks?Why are you angry?

Wouldn't it be nice if it was just a stand-in?
If he finds another substitute in the future, he will forget himself.

But thinking of that possibility, Liang Wei's heart began to throb for no reason.

Sensing Liang Wei's unnaturalness, Zhan Qianxian thought she was afraid, so she whispered, "I will try to be gentle..."

"don't want……"

"Don't be gentle? Your taste is so strong?" Zhan Qianxian knew what Liang Wei was talking about, so he just said it on purpose.

Liang Wei had no choice but to continue to explain, "I don't want to continue, let me go..."

"But... I'm very happy now, didn't you promise me? Make me happy?"

At this moment, Zhan Qianxian felt that he was becoming more and more despicable, and actually forced his beloved woman to have such a relationship with him.

However, after thinking about her for so many years, she couldn't bear it anymore, and really wanted to hold her in her arms and possess her completely.

Liang Wei closed her eyes, probably because she didn't want to struggle anymore, but fortunately she accepted it directly, frowning.

Seeing Liang Wei's expression, Zhan Qianxian's heart felt as if it had been stabbed by something, it hurt, it hurt.

Knowing that this incident will make her hate herself, why is he still so stupid?
It's over in three days, how should the relationship between them be sorted out?

That's it, that's it.

In the end, Zhan Qianxian let Liang Wei go, did not break through the final bottom line, but only ate a little bit of meat.

Afterwards, Liang Wei did nothing but take a bath three times and wash her hands twenty times.


The next day.

Liang Wei woke up in Zhan Qianxian's arms, she frowned slightly, obviously she slept in her own bed last night, why did she wake up in this man's bed and be hugged by him?
Although she was very angry, Liang Wei didn't want to worry about it. After going through such a shameful thing yesterday, it doesn't matter if she hugs her.

"It's time to get up, let me go." Liang Wei said coldly.

Zhan Qianxian still held Liang Wei stubbornly, and said, "Don't let go, let me enjoy the few moments I spend with you."

"Aren't you going to court?"

"Don't go."

"Aren't you afraid that Emperor Longteng will trouble you?"

"He will not."

Liang Wei had no choice but to continue to let Zhan Qianxian hold her, the air was very quiet.

Liang Wei quietly observed Zhan Qianxian's face, and she found that this man was actually very good-looking and had a good temperament, no wonder the princess was so interested in him.

Also, do people really have past and present lives?

She really liked this man in her previous life?

If you like it, why didn't he...

"It's not that I don't want to, but I'm afraid you hate me."

Zhan Qianxian answered on his own, his voice was full of magnetism and very nice.

Liang Wei didn't expect that this man could guess what she was thinking, which was too strange.

"It's not a guess, it's a calculation." Zhan Qianxian continued.

(End of this chapter)

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