Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 651: Demon Race Strikes 1

Chapter 651: Demon Race Strikes 1
Smelly Yehan, it's best not to let me see you, otherwise my mother will definitely not let you go easily, and she won't come to me, she won't come to me! ! !

The more Nangong Ling thought about it, the more furious she became, and finally she cursed directly, "Stinky Yehan, I'll draw a circle and curse you!"

"Okay, if there is nothing else, you can leave first, I want to be quiet. If the Nangong family finds this place, I will help you keep the secret, don't worry." Yu Qianjue is still very loyal, although The Nangong family is very difficult, but she can see that Nangong Ling really doesn't want to marry.

If you can help, you will help. After Xiao Ge'er comes back, if she knows that she is dying, she will probably blame herself again.

Thinking of Ye Qingge, Yu Qianjue's expression darkened again.

Nangong Ling was very happy, she continued,

"As expected of His Majesty the Emperor, when you become an Emperor, your aura is different! Thank you, I will remember this favor, and I will definitely repay you when I have the opportunity in the future!"

"I don't need any favors from you in return. It's enough if you don't hang out in front of me every day and don't affect my mood."

"Oh, I'm so beautiful, so what's wrong with hanging around in front of you? Many people want to take a look at me, but I won't let them see." Nangong Ling was very narcissistic, and made a little joke with Yu Qianjue.

Then, she looked around again, and asked intentionally,
"Your Majesty the Emperor, I heard that recently a minister asked you to quickly establish a queen. What is your decision? Is there anyone? If not, I can recommend it for you. Our Nangong family has many beauties. You like it!"

"You want to die, don't you? Knowing that there is no one else in my heart except Xiao Ge'er, you still say such a thing. If you want to marry a beautiful woman, I would have married a long time ago. Why should you recommend it?"

Yu Qianjue had almost no airs in front of Nangong Ling, and even claimed that he was still the old me, not "Zhen".

Nangong Ling chuckled, and said teasingly, "I'm not afraid of your empathy, so I will test you for Sister Qingge. It seems that you are still loyal to him as always. Okay, the test is passed!"

"You are dismissed."

"I don't want to stay anymore, your hall is lifeless, it's not interesting at all, bye!"

After speaking, Nangong Ling was about to leave.

But at this moment, Wu Ze came from outside.

Ever since Zhan Qianxian left, Wu Ze has become the national teacher of the Longteng Empire. He has a hasty expression, as soon as he sees something urgent.

Nangong Ling immediately asked, "What happened? Did you find a clue to Sister Qingge?"

"No, something is wrong! The demons are dispatched!" Wu Ze said with a serious face.

The entire Hongmeng Continent knows that the demon race is the most troublesome alien race. Once they start an all-out war, it means that the entire Hongmeng Continent will be in danger.

At that time, the people will be in dire straits, and the world will experience another battle of destruction.

"The demons have been dormant for three years, and finally there is movement."

Yu Qianjue's expression was calm, all of this was within his expectations. In the past three years, apart from looking for news about Qingge, he also did not forget to investigate the movements of the demons.

I heard that the princess of the Demon Race returned to the Demon Realm three years ago, and started the Demon Race Unification War with an invincible posture. Unexpectedly, the Demon Race started to attack the Hongmeng Continent as soon as the Demon Race was unified.

If I didn't guess wrong, the demon princess should be Huangfu Qianqian. I didn't expect him to be so decisive and intelligent... Could it be that there is some expert advice behind him?
(End of this chapter)

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