Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 652: Demon Race Strikes 2

Chapter 652: Demon Race Strikes 2
"Your Majesty, what should we do next? With the strength of our Dragon Empire alone, it may be difficult to compete with the entire demon clan."

Wu Ze looked serious. He is an onmyoji. Although he didn't know the specific situation of the future, his intuition told him that the demons this time are definitely not simple, and they can't take it lightly!

"At this point, we can only unite all the forces and resist temporarily."

Although Yu Qianjue was mentally prepared, the specific deployment was not implemented.

Nangong Ling heard that the situation was not good, and found that she could not do nothing anymore, so she also said,
"It's so troublesome... I might as well go back to the Nangong family and let the Nangong family come to help. Although I hate going back, this matter is related to the survival of the entire Hongmeng Continent, and I can't escape."

"Well, it's very good for you to think so. Our naughty little princess has finally grown up." Wu Ze said jokingly, with a somewhat relieved look on her face.

Nangong Ling snorted immediately, "Get lost, you fortune teller, I've always been very mature, okay?"

"Okay, you two stop talking nonsense. The most important thing now is to unite with other forces and spread the news of the demon's attack as soon as possible. I believe that other forces must be like us and want to unite quickly. , no one can escape this war."

Yu Qianjue looked serious, the demons' attack was half a year faster than he thought, and all arrangements must be done as soon as possible.

"Okay, then I'll go back to the Nangong family now, and discuss it with other families by the way. In this way, if the spiritual realms unite, they can become a powerful force.

Especially the Ye family, they are the strongest. I also heard that they have always wanted to get the blood of the demon princess, so they must be very happy to cooperate.

And Yechen, it was the demons who took away Sister Qingge back then, he must want to take revenge, and he will definitely agree to our cooperation! "

Nangong Ling's expression became more and more serious, and his expression gradually became serious.

Wu Ze had never seen Nangong's expression like this before, and couldn't help but said, "Yo, I didn't expect that you have a lot of gossip. I thought you would do nothing but eat, drink and have fun."

"Fart, Miss Ben has always been very smart, okay? This fortune teller, don't frame me casually."

Nangong Ling broke his power in a second, and started bickering with Wu Ze again.

However, after saying a few words, both of them left the palace and started back to do serious business.

The first is Nangong Ling. She returned to the Nangong family, and the patriarch of the family immediately had her caught and married her.

"Get married? When is it? Still thinking about such boring things, Grandpa, let me tell you, the Hongmeng Continent is about to end, we must cooperate with the power of the spirit realm."

"What's the end of it? What nonsense are you talking about, girl? I think you are running away from marriage and running crazy now, and you actually made up such a reason!

Someone, grab her and beat her fifty times! "Patriarch Nangong was very angry and directly asked people to use family law.

Nangong Ling looked aggrieved, and kept explaining, "Grandpa, I'm really not joking. I came this time with a power of attorney from the Dragon Empire. I don't believe you—"

Nangong Ling took out a letter.

She was very fortunate, fortunately, Yu Qianjue was smart enough to prepare this kind of thing in advance, otherwise, even if he had a thousand mouths, he would not be able to explain clearly to his current grandfather.

Patriarch Nangong's expression changed immediately after reading the letter!

The Demon Race has really revived...

it's over...

(End of this chapter)

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