Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 667 Gods Twilight Stone 3

Chapter 667 Gods Twilight Stone 3
"You said."

Yu Qianjue immediately asked Wu Ze to speak.

Wu Ze continued, "Ye Qingge's current strength is indeed very strong, but your Majesty, you have the dragon mentality. You have been practicing diligently recently and breaking through the level as soon as possible. You can fight Ye Qingge, but after doing so, it will only cause Both lose. So, I have another plan..."

"What's the plan? Tell me, every time you talk halfway, it's really frustrating!" Nangong Ling was very impatient, and urged Wu Ze to speak quickly.

Wu Ze nodded, and then continued, "I deduced just now that if we want to avoid this battle between humans and demons, there is a very important spirit stone called the Dusk Stone of the Gods. If we can find this stone, our winning rate will increase again." Improve some."

"Where is the Twilight Stone of the Gods now? I'll look for it right away." Nangong Ling couldn't wait, wanting to get rid of these troubles quickly.

Wu Ze let out a long sigh and said, "The Twilight Stone is in the Fengwu Empire, but only those who are destined can find it. It's useless for others to go."

"Who is that destined person?"

"This... can't be said."

Wu Ze smiled faintly, pretending to be mysterious.

Nangong Lingqi was so angry that he wanted to do it directly, but Wu Ze saw that the situation was not good, so he immediately changed his words,
"Although I don't know who is destined to tell you, you can also go to Fengwu Empire to have a look, and you may have unexpected gains."

Hearing these words, Nangong Ling was finally satisfied.

Yu Qianjue was still a little worried, "Fengwu Empire is the only one who refuses to ally with Longteng Empire among the coalition forces currently invited. You must be careful when you go there, and don't cause trouble."

"Don't worry, although I'm impulsive, I'm not brainless and I know what to do.

You should practice hard, stabilize your strength, and wait for me to bring that stone back! "

Nangong Ling smiled easily.

Wu Ze and Yu Qianjue nodded in agreement.


after one day.

Nangong Ling set off from Longteng Empire early in the morning to Fengwu Empire.

But before she left, an unexpected person blocked her steps.

"Where are you going?" Zhuang Yuncheng has been paying attention to Nangong Ling's movements recently. He saw Nangong Ling walking outside the palace early this morning, so he followed without worrying.

I thought Nangong Ling was just going out of the palace to play, but I didn't expect to go out of the city now.

"Don't follow me, I have something to do."

Nangong Ling looked serious, not because she didn't want to tell Zhuang Yuncheng the truth, but because Wu Ze had ordered that the less people know about this matter, the better.

In order not to reveal the secret, she could only say so.

Hearing this, Zhuang Yuncheng was obviously more worried. He couldn't help asking, "Miss Nangong, don't you want to go to the boss alone? The boss is no longer the old boss. She doesn't even recognize Yu Qianjue. After you go, your life will only be in danger."

"I'm not looking for Sister Qingge, so don't worry."

"Then where are you going?"

"It has nothing to do with you, don't meddle in your own business!"

Nangong Ling's tone became heavier, but seeing Zhuang Yuncheng's expression, she knew that what she had said was too much, so she quickly changed her words, "I didn't mean that..."

"Miss Nangong, I know you don't like me, and I'm not the kind of person who will stalk you, I'm just worried about you and don't want you to get hurt.

It's chaotic outside now. Although you are powerful, the demons are even stronger. I don't want anything to happen to you.

No matter where you go, I will be by your side and protect you, even if you hate me because of it, it doesn't matter! "

Zhuang Yuncheng made up his mind completely, his eyes were firm and he did not accept any refutation.

(End of this chapter)

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