Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 668 Gods Twilight Stone 4

Chapter 668 Gods Twilight Stone 4
Nangong Ling was very helpless, she didn't want to take Zhuang Yuncheng with her, but she couldn't give up looking for clues to the Dusk Stone of the Gods just because of Zhuang Yuncheng.

After struggling for a long time between the two options, she finally came up with an answer.

"Okay, I can take you there, but you can't tell other people about it." Nangong Ling lowered her voice, fearing that there would be an ambush by the demons nearby and people would hear about it.

Zhuang Yuncheng nodded quickly, and hurriedly said, "Don't worry, I will definitely keep the secret!"

"I'm going to the Fengwu Empire. There is something there that can change Sister Qingge. I want to find that thing and stop the next battle.

But Master Guoshi said, after I went there, I couldn’t find that thing, only people with predestined relationship could find it, I just went to try my luck. "

"In the Phoenix Dance Empire... I remember that the Queen of the Phoenix Dance Empire has a very bad temper, and she especially hates strangers entering the empire's territory.

No, if you are going, then I can't rest assured, I must go with you! "

"It's dangerous enough for me to go alone. It's easy to reveal my identity. Wouldn't it be more troublesome to bring you with me?"

"Many people are powerful. If something happens to you, I can take care of you."

"Bah, bah, you're the only one who has an accident!"

Nangong Ling looked reluctant.

But things have come to this point, and she can't change it.

Since Zhuang Yuncheng wants to follow, then let's go, he also cares about Sister Qingge very much, multiple people have multiple strengths.

Just like that, Zhuang Yuncheng and Nangong Ling set off together.

The Dragon Teng Empire and the Phoenix Dance Empire are not far apart, but there is a very dangerous forest in the middle, called the Death Forest, which separates the two empires.

In addition, other people who want to enter the Phoenix Dance Empire have to pass the test of the death forest.

Relying on this natural barrier, the Fengwu Empire has been stable in the Hongmeng Continent for many years, and it is precisely for this reason that the Fengwu Empire chose not to cooperate.

Anyway, there is a death forest, and it is impossible for the demons to attack on a large scale.

"This forest seems to be very difficult..."

Since Nangong Ling and Zhuang Yuncheng, they have felt the threat of the death forest. The dark air in the forest makes people feel cold from the soles of their feet to the top of the sky, and there is always a feeling of penetration.

"For so many years, the Phoenix Dance Empire has been able to stand upright. Thanks to this forest, it is very difficult for us to walk through it."

Zhuang Yuncheng looked around. As a pharmacist, he soon noticed that there were signs of magical beast activity nearby.

Animal pills are good materials for refining medicine.

Of course, at such a time, Zhuang Yuncheng has absolutely no ability to hunt monsters.

It is the greatest luck that he can live well and pass through this forest of death.

"Why don't we fly over with flying beasts..."

Nangong Ling stood at the entrance of the forest, and decided to think of another way, not to be so impulsive for now.

Zhuang Yuncheng continued, "There is a special barrier above this forest, and ordinary flying beasts can't get in at all."

"It seems that we can only fight recklessly, let's go!"

Nangong Ling saw that she couldn't do left or right, but luckily she strode inside.

No matter what the danger is, just follow the trick.

Zhuang Yuncheng followed Nangong Ling's footsteps and became a flower guardian. Although his strength is average, he also has a lot of poisonous powder on his body, which can defend against ordinary monsters.

In this way, Nangong Ling and Zhuang Yuncheng walked in the forest for seven days.

In the past seven days, they encountered countless dangers, and almost lost their lives once.

But even so, they still don't give up.

And on the eighth day of crossing the death forest, the two met an unexpected person!
(End of this chapter)

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