Chapter 169

But the blurred eyes, the hot eyes, really made Mu Si a little bit overwhelmed.

"Hehe, hehe, then what, Master, please rest for a while, I will go to the kitchen to see how the rice is doing at the mother's side."

After leaving the next sentence, Mu Si finally fled in despair.

Mu Weichen was left alone, looking at Mu Si's back with a melancholy expression.

His Majesty Wuli is capable of writing and martial arts, but he can't fall in love!


"Mother, what do you think of my brother's marriage?"

As for the important matter of marriage, even if Mu Si is the head of the family, he should discuss it with Xiao Mu's family.

"It's okay to settle down. After all, it was settled before your father left. As long as you talk about getting married, you should push it back. When your father comes back, he will be happy..."

Bringing up the wooden peg again, Xiaomu could not hide the bitterness on his face.

It was only then that Mu Si remembered that he only wanted to rescue Mu Shuan, but he had forgotten that he was also the head of the family.

"Mother, about father's matter..."

He wanted to persuade Xiao Mu's a few more words, but Mu Si didn't know where to start.

"It's okay, I already know. Mrs. Luo is here to save your father...Xiu'e told me all about it..."

Speaking of this matter, Mrs. Xiaomu couldn't help but lowered her voice very low, almost only the sound of Qi could be heard.

"You already know?!"

Remembering that Mu Xiu'e had promised well before and not tell Xiao Mu's, to be honest, Mu Si was a little surprised.

But for a moment, Mu Si was relieved.

I don't think so, Xiaomu is Mu Xiu'e's 'mother'!

"Hey, I got it. Si'er, don't blame your eldest sister. She also sees me as uncomfortable, and she can't bear it..."

When Xiaomu thought that she had 'sold' her eldest daughter unconsciously, she was embarrassed and guilty for a while.

Mu Si saw Xiao Mu's bitter face, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Mother, what are you talking about? We are a family. It's fine if I know about it, and you don't need to mention it in the future. I didn't tell you before, because I was afraid that things wouldn't work out. After all, Master Luo said , Those people are very cunning. If something is revealed, this matter will not be done. "

"How can this be? If your father doesn't come back for a day, I will hold my heart all day. How can I be at ease? But it's better to have faith than nothing. When your father comes back, my heart will be at ease. "

Saying that, Xiaomu began to wipe away tears.

"Si'er, why do you think he is so stupid? It's good to wait for two days, and he can't even wait for these two days! Now, our family has an ox cart, and we have to live in a big house... Hey, he is just a Unlucky..."

Seeing Mrs. Xiao Mu mentioning the house, Mu Si was a little embarrassed. She wanted to hide it just now, so she laughed dryly, and Mu Si couldn't help scratching his head.

"Hehe, you know everything about the house?"

"This girl!"

Hearing Mu Si talk about the house, Xiao Mu also snorted and laughed.

"I'm your mother, so you don't have to hide things like this from me in the future. If you say you are in charge, you are in charge. I am not your father, and I don't value land so much. Not to mention, your father was just to buy It took only one acre of land to go..."

As he said that, Mrs. Xiao Mu took Mu Si's hand and patted it.

"Si Er, you earned this money, and you can spend it however you want. You are still young and so tired. Mother looks at it, and it doesn't feel good... But I see that Mr. Luo treats you badly." Generally speaking, can you say..."

(End of this chapter)

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