The shrew of time travel

Chapter 170 What kind of ecstasy soup is this?

Chapter 170 What kind of ecstasy soup is this?

Xiao Mu's words made Mu Si scratch his head.

This is the real mother, the absolute real mother!

Shouldn't the mother of someone else's family be worried that there is a foreign man around, and her daughter can't help running away with him?
"This...this...mother~~~, you are, what are you talking about? Could it be that the surname Luo poured some enchanting soup on you?"

Ordinarily this shouldn't be...

"This girl, what's on your mind? Ever since the incident of Yan Kuan happened, Mother has never felt at ease. Don't mention your father, just because there is such a person thinking about you every day, Mother is so worried that she can't eat or sleep. You are beautiful, it is not your mother who praises you, I have never seen a more beautiful girl than you in all the towns and villages. As a mother, there is no need to worry. "


Hearing Xiaomu's words, it would be a lie to say that he was not moved.

"Listen to me, girl... Although my mother doesn't understand anything, she can tell that Mrs. Luo is a capable mother. In the past, my mother would still worry about whether you are worthy of him, but now Look at you, you not only have a good appearance, but also a good brain. No one can compare to you, if you really deserve a farmer with his face facing the loess and his back facing the sky, my mother really can't bear it..."

It can be seen that Xiaomu's words come from the heart, with a deep meaning in his words.

However, "Mother, this matter, this matter is not up to you or should hurry to see if the meat is cooked...I...I will go to the house and talk to the eldest sister She doesn't know about our ox cart..."

Hastily put down Xiao Mu's hand, with a flushed face and a beating heart, Mu Si fled as if to leave.

What's the matter today?
Mrs. Xiaomu shook her head, her daughter is good at earning money, why is she so slow in emotional matters?

Ever since Mrs. Luo came to this small courtyard, a pair of eyes had grown on her body, and she never left.

Hey, that's all, children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, and everything that should be said has been said. She is a mother, so don't meddle along...

As soon as Mu Si stepped into the kitchen, he saw Mu Weichen enjoying the shade under the tree, thinking of what Mrs. Mu said just now, he suddenly felt angry, a little bit angry.

This damned smelly man!

In a short period of time, not only did the two elder brothers obey him, but now even his mother speaks well of him.

Where is the majesty of being the 'head of the family'?

Where is the face? ? ? ! ! !
He wanted to go up and kick him, but when he thought of the power of 'Uncle Seven', Mu Si immediately faltered again.

Gouged him out, stomped his little feet, and went to the house to find Mu Xiu'e.

Mu Weichen obviously saw Mu Si's series of actions, but, he was doing well just now, why did he "blow his beard and stare" in a blink of an eye?

Well, that word doesn't seem quite right for a little girl.

Hey, it's hard to guess what a woman's mind is...

Think of him as an imposing prince, in the capital, as long as you pass by the street, eight out of ten would want to faint in his arms...

Well, I have to admit, those girls are not called Mu Si...

Great Prince Wuli, you are troubled by love with your frowning face...

"Mother! Si'er! Come out, I have invited the village chief uncle and the village chief aunt!"

Mu Wenhao's high-pitched voice pulled everyone out of the vicious circle of 'love between children'.

As soon as Mu Si entered the room, he ran out again, and with the lingering anger still alive, he gave Mu Weichen another vicious look...

The great prince Wuli is melancholy, what is he doing, who has he provoked?

(End of this chapter)

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