The shrew of time travel

Chapter 171 The Village Chief Invites

Chapter 171 The Village Chief Invites

"Uncle Village Chief, Aunt Village Chief, you are here. I have been looking forward to this place for a long time."

Mu Si hurriedly arranged the stools.

"Or, let's eat under this big tree, it's spacious and cool."

"As you please, I'll listen to you little girl today!"

Taking the stool, Cui Yuren sat down.

As soon as he entered the door, there was a tangy smell of meat, and he was in a very good mood!

"Okay, Auntie sits too! Pomegranate sits wherever I want, acquaintance, I won't arrange for you."

Mu Si kept busy with his hands.

"No need to make arrangements, I'll just sit next to Mu Wenhao, and see if he dares to avoid me! Hmph!"

Cui Shiliu's delicate appearance was seen by everyone, and no one ever criticized her harshly.

Talked too much, even Cui Yuren didn't bother to say any more.

Right or left, he is going to hand over this girl to Mu Wenhao, as long as it is not too much, let her go...

Mu Si covered his mouth with a smile, "Seeing that it's past meal time, let's just eat directly. If we have something to say, let's talk while eating."

"That's a good thing. As soon as I walked in and smelled meat, my stomach was already growling!"

Such 'presumptuous' words naturally came from Cui Shiliu's mouth.

Everyone laughed again.

Cui Yuren smiled and said, "Let's do it like this."

As soon as the village head spoke, everyone was busy again, carrying plates and bowls was no problem.

Except for Mu Xiu'e who was watching the child unable to leave, Mu Si brought a large bowl to the room, and everyone else sat around the table.

"Right, who is this?"

Cui Yuren noticed this young man with extraordinary appearance on the table early on.

Cui Yuren had never seen such a character until now, and there was a bit of awe in his words.

"This is Mr. Luo who taught my elder brother and younger brother how to read and write, not an outsider."

Seeing the appearance of 'Seventh Uncle and Grandpa' sitting as firmly as Mount Tai, Mu Si hurriedly opened his mouth to introduce.

"It turned out to be Master Luo, no wonder he looked different from ordinary people at first glance. Next is the village head of this small village, Master, please be polite."

Cui Yuren stood up quickly, and made a bow to Mu Weichen, which was regarded as a half salute.

However, at the dinner table, it was so solemn that even Mrs. Cui couldn't help being surprised when she saw it.

If you are your own family, you know it.

The head of the family looks harmless to humans and animals, but in his bones, he is somewhat arrogant.

The young man in front of him made the head of the family salute him just by meeting him, which shows how much the head of the family takes it seriously.

"The village chief is polite."

However, for this half salute, Mu Weichen just nodded, made a gesture of invitation, and asked the village chief to sit down.

Seeing Uncle Seven's "bad spirit" once again, Mu Sichangzi was going to regret it.

If I knew it earlier, I would let Mrs. Luo eat in the house.

As soon as this ancestor went online, the atmosphere at the dinner table suddenly became bad.

"Hehe, my master is not an outsider, so I don't care about these vain gifts. The village chief uncle doesn't need to meet outsiders. By the way, didn't my brother buy wine? Quickly open it and let the village chief uncle taste it."

As the saying goes, 'wine is strong and courageous' won't be nervous after two sips...

"Full and full..."

Mu Wenhao understood the sound, and quickly opened the wine jar.

"Good wine, good wine!"

Cui Yuren was really under pressure towards Mu Weichen, he said hello twice in a row, and he drank a glass of wine.

Sure enough, much better.

"Girl, come on. This meat is not free..."

Cui Yuren smiled and drank another cup of wine in one gulp.

"Look at what the village chief uncle said. It's not that the village chief uncle has been troubled too much recently. Isn't it right to invite the village chief uncle to have a light meal?"

The necessary hypocrisy and politeness are still necessary, after all, the heart is still very important.

(End of this chapter)

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