The shrew of time travel

Chapter 172 This girl has money

Chapter 172 This girl has money

"Haha, thank you, I know it. But, I think you girl, there must be something wrong! Even Lin's mother and daughter were recruited by you to help. I heard from Wen Hao that you bought an ox cart? Little girl, amazing! Amazing!"

The village chief is not a stingy person, and the girl Mu Si is really nice, so he gave Mu Si a thumbs up.

Mu Si was not hypocritical, seeing that the village chief had spoken, he spoke directly.

"Nothing can escape the eyes of the village chief's uncle. Just for this, I have to toast the village chief's uncle! Little brother, come on!"

As soon as the words fell, Mu Weichen's face turned dark, and he still wanted to drink?
Uncle Qi said that he was very uncomfortable, even his throat was uncomfortable, and he coughed several times.

Mu Si understood, Uncle Qi was not happy.

"Hehe, give the village chief uncle a full serving, I will replace the wine with water, and toast the village chief uncle, hehe."

The whole process was embarrassing, and Mu Si already hated 'Master Luo' to the core.

"I also respect Uncle Village Chief."

"I also respect Uncle Cui."

"Together, let's do it."

There were many people trying to smooth things over, and there was no silence after all, but Mu Si didn't dare to mention drinking any more, so as not to accidentally violate the taboo of 'seventh uncle and grandpa'.

"Hey, Uncle Village Chief, don't tell me. I invite you to dinner this time. First, I want to thank you. Second, I really want you and my aunt to help with something..."

Since Cui Yuren already knew about it, it wouldn't be interesting for her to hide it any longer. "

"With you, Uncle Cui, you don't need those vain people. If you have something to say, just say it."

Seeing the two giving back and forth like this, even Cui couldn't hold back anymore.

"Hey, okay, then I'll just say it straight."

Mu Si scratched his head, still a little embarrassed.

"Yes, say it, say it straight."

Cui Yuren had already put down the wine cup, and was waiting for Mu Si to speak.

"I would like to ask how much money would it cost to buy the house next door to us?"

Mu Si hesitated to ask, but Cui answered happily.

"Hey, it's worth your hesitation. But girl, that house is not cheap!"

"Your aunt is right, and uncle won't be fooled by you. But if the house is well repaired, at least this amount is worth it."

As he spoke, Cui Yuren raised his palm.

"Five... 500 taels?"

This slap really made Mu Si dizzy, if it was really 500 taels, she couldn't afford it right now.

"This girl really dares to say, 50 taels. With just 50 taels, how many people can't save it for a lifetime, just your utterly conscientious grandma, she is still a rich family!"

Cui Shi also spoke quickly, but as soon as she spoke, Cui Yuren glared at her.

Cui Shi was startled to feel that there was a mistake in her words, and she was a little embarrassed.

"Oh, 50 taels. Uncle, I still want to buy two acres of good land. Do you think there is anything suitable?"

Mu Si yelled a few times, then asked again.

"Oh, girl. Silver is a good thing, but don't go astray."

When Mu Si asked, Cui was so frightened that she even put down her chopsticks.

"Hehe, auntie, look at what you said. Don't talk about anything else, only Mrs. Luo is here. I have the heart, but I don't have the guts. I just, I just did a little business and made some money. silver……"

Seeing what Mu Si said, Cui Shi didn't ask too much, after all, it's hard for her to inquire about this business.

"So, do you really want that house?"

Cui Yuren finally understood, this girl has money.

(End of this chapter)

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