Chapter 254
I have to say that Mu Si's expression is very awkward, but...

"This is what you said, if we do it, you are not allowed to go back on your word!"

Mu Lian'er wanted to swear, but she was caught by Mrs. Mu and stopped her.

"Don't worry... I'm not like someone. Since I have answered you, even if you are not human, I will keep my word..."

Even after asking for those loquats, Mu Si didn't plan to give these two people a good face.

This kind of person can't give any good face, and always realizes the difficulties of life is the living state that these two people should have.

"Silver! Silver!"

Mu Lian'er still wanted to resist, but was suppressed by Mu's two 'silver coins' in a row...

"Let's go, let's go back and get loquats..."

Mrs. Mu hurriedly carried Mu Lian'er back...

"Fourth sister, you are too soft-hearted. These people, even if they accept their loquats, they will not be grateful..."

Seeing the two leave, Chunhua still felt resentful.

The 'crime' of that family is too numerous to write down...

Musi glanced at Chunhua, then glanced at the room where Mu Shuan was, Chunhua understood in seconds...

When the Mu family committed crimes before, her father was not at home. According to Xiao Mu's temperament, Mu Shuan's return was already a blessing from heaven.

I'm afraid I won't talk to him about these "Chen Guzi, rotten sesame seeds".

Right now, she naturally can't do too much, I just hope that the family has learned from the previous few lessons, and has a little self-knowledge...

"Sister Chunhua, let's get on with our work. I guess they won't come so soon."

The loquats in the yard had piled up into hills, and Mu Si was a hurry-scratcher.

After resting for a while, I was ready to go to work again.


In the past few days, Chunhua has seen Mu Si's words and deeds, and she has already admired this sister-in-law.

Hearing that Mu Si said to start work, he rolled up his sleeves without saying a word.

"Sier! Take a ladle of water and drink!"

Before the two of them started working, the two brothers who had left early in the morning came back.

"What kind of ladle to take? Wait, there is something cool and white, and it will be dry in the morning!"

Seeing the two of them coming back and wiping off their sweat one by one, Chunhua simply waved her hands and went back to the house to open some cold whites.

"Then what's the situation in Li's Village? Is the marriage that Hua Pozi said reliable?"

It has to be said that Mu Si didn't intend to kill this marriage with a stick.

After all, Mu Si also guessed a little bit what the Hua woman was thinking, but according to the character of the Hua woman, tsk tsk...

"Hey, don't mention it! Originally, the two of us were thinking about going to other people's villages to inquire about things, so we had to cover up and ask in a roundabout way. Who knows, people don't need to cover up at all, their family is It’s notorious! The family has a few acres of land, but they pick at the shuttle all day long, and that boy’s father always carries an abacus when he goes out, and he can calculate every penny!"

Mu Mingjun had a steady temper, but now he couldn't help but want to complain.

"There's something even worse! Guess why the kid is so old and hasn't married a wife?"

Seeing that Mu Mingjun had already spoken, Mu Wenhao was unwilling to lag behind.

"What's the matter? Don't you want to pay the bride price?"

Mu Si raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Hey! It's not just about not paying the dowry? He simply wants to make his daughter pay back! Not to mention not giving the dowry, but he is very strict about the dowry."

Speaking of this matter, Mu Wenhao was also speechless to this family.

This is everyone! This is everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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