The shrew of time travel

Chapter 255 Business level is improving...

Chapter 255 Business level is improving...

"Heh! We have to tell our mother about this, lest she think I cheated on her daughter!"

Mu Si raised his eyebrows, and solemnly instructed the two brothers.

"Look at this girl, she still remembers your grudge!"

It was Mrs. Lin and Mrs. Xiaomu who came back together after washing the water tank.

"Yes, yes, I heard it all. Hey, being a mother is useless!"

Mrs. Xiaomu smiled while wiping her hands with her apron.

"Hey, seeing that this is the day of young people, we are all old, listen to them."

Mrs. Lin touched Mrs. Xiaomu's arm to comfort her a little.

"No, I'm so confused..."

Mrs. Xiao Mu said something as if she felt something, and then looked at Mu Si.

"My mother heard it, and I will leave your sister's marriage to you in the future."

"My family has a young girl growing up" is indeed full of comfort, but behind this comfort, there is also a kind of bleakness and loneliness that time flies, time flies.

After hearing this, Mu Si hurried over and took Mu's hand.

"Mother can see the true face of the beautiful lady. Don't worry about the elder sister's marriage. Didn't we agree? We just participate in the opinions, and the final decision is made by the elder sister."

"Listen to you, listen to you..."

Mrs. Mu couldn't stop nodding.

"Blessed is Xiu'e."

When Lin first heard this statement, she couldn't help being stunned, and then she understood.

Coupled with the scene I saw in the morning, it is not much better than those blind marriages.

In this way, I also have the right to make decisions, and which girl would risk the world to do something out of the ordinary?
In the past, I thought that Xiu'e was a miserable person, but now I see that it was a blessing in disguise.

"Si'er, have you seen Master?"

The matter of Mrs. Hua's matchmaking finally came to an end, but Mu Mingjun remembered that Mu Weichen had come.

"It was still talking to me at that time, as for now, I really didn't see it."

Mu Si's memory of Mu Weichen still stays at that time when he hurt himself.

Of course I can't think of it right now.

"Oh, I see. I saw Mrs. Luo going out with his entourage. Maybe there is something wrong..."

Chunhua saw it, and quickly changed the subject.

Mu Si curled his lips, this person didn't even know how to explain when he went out, would he be worried?
If people don't say that you didn't discover it yourself, hey, won't your heart hurt...

"Master has always been mysterious. Is there anything elder brother can do with you?"

Putting his mind back, Mu Si asked Mu Mingjun.

Mu Mingjun, who has always been prudent, scratched his head in embarrassment after hearing this.

"I want to ask my master to recite it... I am stupid. Yesterday, Wen Hao memorized "Hundred Surnames" and "Thousand Characters". ..."

"Brother, did you just say "Hundred Surnames" and "Thousand Characters"? Have you memorized the whole book?"

Mu Si was slightly taken aback, he was so busy these days that he really took the word 'Master Luo' as a title.

He actually forgot, he is also the teacher of the elder brother and the younger brother.

"Si Er, don't make fun of me...I'm so stupid, the master said that children learn this..."

Mu Si didn't hear those words, if she remembered correctly.

Little brother Xianyun from Lusong Academy told her "Hundred Surnames" and "Thousand Characters"...

Doesn't that mean that the two elder brothers can go to the academy?

(End of this chapter)

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