The shrew of time travel

Chapter 303 Reluctant, listen?

Chapter 303 Reluctant, listen?
Hastily saluted Xianyun again, and then returned.

"It is the younger sister of the dean's new closed disciple——Musi."

Xian Yun didn't know that Mu Si still had such a great ability, but Mu Si was not a student of the academy, at most he came to visit relatives, since this person could be found here, he must have gone to his home to find him.

Glancing back at Mu Si, he saw that this unreasonable little aunt also looked confused at the moment.

"Look at me, what are you doing? Look at me, I don't even know me!"

Still didn't give the 'dog leg' a good face.

Only then did Mu Si put his eyes on Zhu Pengchun, his almond eyes showed a bit of inquiry, but he didn't have the intention to speak.

Zhu Pengchun is also a smart person, seeing this situation, he naturally knew that the person he was looking for was the girl in front of him.

Immediately I was overjoyed, it was really "there is no place to find when you break through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it"!
"So this is Miss Mu Si... I wonder if Miss Mu Si can take a step to speak?"

Zhu Pengchun couldn't hide the joy on his face, and with the idea that many people would not be surprised by the courtesy, Zhu Pengchun immediately saluted Mu Si again.

But this set would work anywhere in front of Mu Si, Mu Si raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at Zhu Pengchun with an idiot's eyes.

"You, you, you... what is your attitude?"

Jiang Shiyao's petulant temper came again, so she couldn't see Zhu Pengchun being bullied.

It's fine if she bullies and bullies, no one else can bully him!
"Oh, daughter of the dean of Qingsong Academy, what attitude do you want me to have? We... seem to be unfamiliar..."

Mu Si's face was a little more ruffian, and he didn't intend to give them this face at all.

This person looks handsome, but he is also a brain-dead.

The original curiosity was lost by his stupid behavior.

Rolling his eyes, Mu Si didn't intend to say more to her.

Turning around to look at Xianyun, he gave him a contemptuous look.

"It seems that a place like the academy just doesn't match my magnetic field, and staying for a while will affect my mood. Dog leg, it seems that your management is not good!"

Fuck!Brother Xianyun is a mouthful of old blood.

Can you save some face for him in public, ying ying ying~~~
As soon as the dog legs come out, the demons will retreat!
The originally noisy scene became quiet for a while, as if Xianyun's heartbroken voice could be heard.

Especially the second-year children's shoes, with a look of collapsed human design, looked at Mu Si in disbelief, and then at Xian Yun, convinced that he heard correctly.

Resolutely lying on the ground and sleeping, he must be dreaming! ! !
It must be so! ! !

Zhu Pengchun suddenly dripped with cold sweat on his forehead, this is the rhythm of the storm! ! !
What kind of character did he provoke?Could it be the legendary Demon King of Confusion? ?
Obviously now is not the time to think about these things.

Sweating profusely, Zhu Pengchun hurriedly bowed his head in salute.

"Miss Mu Si, I was really abrupt just now. I am a student of Qingsong Academy. I came to visit your mansion today to ask for something. Unexpectedly, the girl has something to do. I was lucky enough to find her whereabouts, so I came after her. It is really urgent. I also hope that the girl will not be offended!"

After finishing speaking in one breath, Zhu Pengchun didn't even knock, and still didn't dare to get up after speaking.

Hey, I think Zhu Pengchun has lived for eighteen years, and he has never been so nervous when facing his master.

"Oh, so that's what happened. Let me just say, Qingsong Academy is also a branch of Lusong Academy, so it's polite, why would you say something stupid to a girl you just met..., since it's There is a reason for the incident, presumably the young master is also in a hurry, hehe, then I will refrain from doing it, listen?"

(End of this chapter)

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