The shrew of time travel

Chapter 304 Show Your Sincerity

Chapter 304 Show Your Sincerity

The Mu brothers looked at each other and thought, why is this unlucky buddy from Lusong Academy...

Jiang Shiyao wanted to say something, but Zhu Pengchun pulled her sleeves, so she didn't say anything.

She also saw that the situation was stronger than others, and if she continued to make trouble, it would only cause bad things, so she had no choice but to keep silent, but the angry expression on her face told how unwilling she was at this moment.

"I'm being rude. It's just that there are too many people here. I hope the girl will make it easier for me."

Seeing Mu Si loosen his mouth, Zhu Pengchun felt a little relieved, no matter what, everyone saw him, so turning back at this time would not be a failure.

Although the girl spoke a little aggressively, even Xianyun from Lusong Academy was a "dog leg" in her mouth. Thinking about it this way, Zhu Pengchun regained his balance.

"Brother, little brother, I came out in a hurry today. Sister, I didn't even eat breakfast. Brother Xianyun also walked all the way, why don't we go have some refreshments?"

This is meant to be an inquiry, and in fact no one will object.

Even Xianyun was thinking silently in his heart, this girl still has a bit of conscience.

Not to mention Zhu Pengchun and Jiang Shiyao, although they were a little angry, but one for the woman he loves and the other for his father, this matter is nothing.

A group of people found a teahouse in a mighty way, and asked for a private room.

During this period, Mu Si himself went to Tieniu to explain the situation, and told him not to save money, and to buy something to eat when he was hungry.

In the private room, captured by Mu Sigang's arrogance, Zhu Pengchun and the two of them did not know how to speak for a long time.

Mu Si looked awkward, Dang even spoke first.

"If you have anything to say, just say it directly. This is my elder brother and younger brother. As for Brother Xianyun, we are old acquaintances and a family. If you have anything to say, don't avoid it."

The implication is to regard Xianyun as his own family.

It's not that Mu Si is familiar with him, it's because Xianyun's status is extraordinary, so the work of hugging the thigh must be done from time to time.

On the other hand, being able to endure her anger for a while under her 'rage' is enough to show Brother Xianyun's character.

Thirdly, if Brother Xianyun is an acquaintance, then calling Brother Xianyun a "dog leg" at the door can also be regarded as a joke, and naturally it will take Brother Xianyun's face.

The fourth thing, she has always paid attention to the interaction between the two older brothers and younger brother Xianyun, and she faintly feels that there may be something hidden in it.

It's just that no matter how you look at it, Brother Xianyun is not an outsider.

When Zhu Pengchun heard it, he really let go of it.

It turned out that the words of this academy were not aimed at, maybe this girl is the kind of carefree person.

Thinking about Mu Si's background again, it became clear again.

Just looking at Mu Si's demeanor, and not being a country woman, hey, it's really cloudy and foggy, making people puzzled.

After thinking about it for a moment, he finally broke his heart and said the words directly.

"To be honest, Shiyao and I are Mu Feng's classmates, and today we found out that he behaved differently. I was afraid that it would harm my wife, so I came here to ask the girl for help."

Mu Si narrowed his eyes slightly, and kept tapping the table with his fingers.

Da, da, da, it's clearly audible, like knocking on the heart of the two of them.

Mu Wenhao and Mu Mingjun have always been led by Mu Si, so naturally they can't speak now.

It was the first time for Xianyun to see Mu Si dealing with matters, he was curious and also a little bit interested, so naturally he watched with cold eyes at this time.

Hearing that Mu Si suddenly stopped, his lightning-like eyes shot at the two of them.

"Ha, if you two really want me to help, at least you have to show some sincerity."

(End of this chapter)

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