The shrew of time travel

Chapter 333 I'm Not Sick! ! !

Chapter 333 I'm Not Sick! ! !
Besides, Zhu Pengchun got Musi's "ingenious plan" and hurried to the drugstore to buy Wushi powder.

Thinking about what the doctor said, Zhu Pengchun's face turned red and pale.

What does it mean that young people should cherish their bodies?

After he denied it again and again, the doctor actually put on a sympathetic expression, saying that he is suffering from Japanese disease? !
Go to his uncle!
Biansheng Shiyao was by his side, so he really couldn't get angry, but he had already made a strong note of Mu Si in his small notebook.

She really was a woman of the dark type, and she was usually not to be provoked.

Thinking about the IOUs he signed, he felt ashamed.

After that, I don't know what foreign crimes I will suffer.

"Zhu Pengchun, what is Japanese disease? Do you have any disease?"

Just as Zhu Pengchun was greeting the eighteen generations of Mu Si's ancestors in his heart, the little white flower Jiang Shiyao asked curiously.

damn it!What is he saying?

Zhu Pengchun felt that this matter must not be sloppy, otherwise this word would reach the ears of the master one day.

Isn't his marriage with Shiyao going to be blown up?
May I ask, is there any father who is willing to marry his daughter to a person who does not raise money?
It is a matter of life-long happiness, which cannot be sloppy.

Hastily pulled Jiang Shiyao into an alley beside her.

"Shiyao, this medicine is not for me, but for that Mu Feng. It's not that I'm sick! It's that Mu Feng..."

It's messed up, hey, even if he jumps into the Yellow River, he won't be able to clean himself up.

Zhu Pengchun was scratching his head like a monkey, but Jiang Shiyao was confused.

It was fine just now, how could it be like this in the blink of an eye?
Is it really sick?
Thinking about it this way, the corners of Jiang Shiyao's mouth twitched, probably not.

Just now she saw that Zhu Pengchun picked up the doctor with one hand, his skills were still very good, and there was no sign of illness.

But what is this good convulsion for?

Being shaken by Zhu Pengchun for a while, Jiang Shiyao couldn't care less about thinking.

"I know you're not sick, why don't I just ask."

"Shiyao, you believe me, it's great that you believe me! No, I will go to my master to propose marriage once Mu Feng's matter is resolved!"

Excited, Zhu Pengchun hugged Jiang Shiyao in his arms, and then let him out again.

"Huh? Didn't you say that you want to prove yourself and rely on your own ability to get the recommended spot?"

Jiang Shiyao was suddenly stunned by the news, and she didn't even feel the taste of happiness.

"No proof, no need to prove. There is nothing to prove. I, Zhu Pengchun, act upright and sit upright, so there is no need for proof. Let's go, and hurry back to the academy to get ready. I don't know if anyone is looking for us after we've been out for so long. .”

As he spoke, he pulled Jiang Shiyao away and went directly to Qingsong Academy.

Tsk tsk, it's a good thing Jiang Shiyao is dressed in men's clothes, Zhu Pengchun, you are also a person who is familiar with the books of sages, don't you know what it means to be in love with each other?
Jiang Shiyao was a little embarrassed to be held by Zhu Pengchun in such a large crowd.

But he didn't let go of his hand after all. You must know that Zhu Pengchun is usually a person with his eyes above his head, and he doesn't even bother to do such things as holding hands in the street.

It was a rare enjoyment, Jiang Shiyao would not let go just like that.

"Mother...was that Zhu Pengchun just now?"

The Mu family finally coaxed Mu Lian'er to come to the town, and saw Zhu Pengchun hugging Jiang Shiyao without dying.

After all, it's the person I've been thinking about day and night, so I can't just admit it wrong...

(End of this chapter)

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