The shrew of time travel

Chapter 334 Just Tell Me If Something Happens

Chapter 334 Just Tell Me If Something Happens
Mu Lian'er was right, even Mu Shi saw it.

It's just that she got the letter from Mu Feng in the first place, but now it can only be regarded as 'seeing is believing'.

So far, it has completely confirmed what the third child said, and she has nothing to count on from this girl.

"Where did mother see Zhu Pengchun and Liu Pengchun? Listen to what your third brother said, didn't your third brother say that? Your third brother is going to invite Zhu Pengchun to drink tonight, so you'll know if you ask yourself? Lian Sister, I'm not talking about you, I heard that this capable man has three wives and four concubines. As long as he can marry you and live a good life in the future, then it's over?"

Mrs. Mu felt that it was necessary to pave the way for Mu Lian'er in advance, and if she didn't follow suit, it would be difficult for her, wouldn't it?
"Let's go, don't keep third brother waiting."

The expression on Sister Lian's face was constantly changing, and it took a while before she said...

After seeing Mu Feng, Mrs. Mu dragged him over and told him about it.

However, Mu Lian'er seemed to be a normal person.

Mu Feng hooked the corners of his lips, revealing an 'expected' smile.

"The so-called 'one who knows the current affairs is a hero', Sister Lian is a smart person, she knows what to do is right..."

These words were neither light nor heavy, just enough for Sister Lian to hear them clearly.

After another long silence, Sister Lian finally showed an extremely pale smile.

It was unintentional at first and didn't know the tricks in it, but now looking at it with intention, even her mother knew about Zhu Pengchun.

However, it is true as Mu Feng said, now she has no other way to go except to listen to him...

With a flash of light in her eyes, Mu Lian'er finally took a deep breath, as long as she can marry Zhu Pengchun...

"There's no one in the academy right now, just hide in the room with your mother. I'll make an appointment with Zhu Pengchun in the pavilion tonight, and ask my mother to take you there later. Be careful!"

After hastily exhorting, Mu Feng left the room.

He quickly closed the door.

He is a student, that is to say, a family member, and it is not appropriate to stay in his house for a long time.

Although Mu Lian'er's incident happened out of nowhere, Mu Feng didn't feel guilty at all when he thought that he would get what he wanted after today.

On the way to see Zhu Pengchun, I bumped into An Jingxuan on the way, and was just about to say hello, but unexpectedly An Jingxuan 'ran' when he saw him.

He said 'run', but in fact he just saw him coming and hid.

"Hey, Jingxuan! Come on, come on, I have something to trouble you!"

Speaking of which, Mu Feng did well in the academy.

He is very popular among his classmates, otherwise he wouldn't be favored by his wife.

There are a few scattered silver coins in his hand, although the silver was 'taken' from Sunflower, but Mu Feng has quite a bit of experience on how to spend it.

An Jingxuan is one of the people he has always been friends with. He always likes to take advantage of him when he has nothing to do, but that is because his family is poor.

It was the first time to run away after seeing Mu Feng like today.

Originally he wanted to avoid it, but he didn't want to be caught straight, An Jingxuan suddenly felt embarrassed, so he had to stop, turned his head and yelled muffledly.

"Brother Feng..."

"Is Jingxuan running out of money again? Didn't I tell you, if there is something urgent, just come and tell me, although it may not be able to help, at least there are multiple ways for multiple people, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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