The shrew of time travel

Chapter 337 Real gold is not afraid of fire

Chapter 337 Real gold is not afraid of fire

Zhu Pengchun sprinkled salt on Mu Feng's wound again as though it wasn't enough.

Nima!Bad condition, retreat!

"Brother Zhu, you're being polite. I'll invite you for this meal, and I must invite you! When I came, Jingxuan had already bought it. Later, I will still wait for you in the pavilion! If you are not drunk, you will not return, if you are not drunk, you will not return!"

Said not to give Zhu Pengchun a chance to speak, Mu Feng immediately got up and turned back.

Seeing Mu Feng running away in panic, Zhu Pengchun couldn't help but sigh.

"If he treats me sincerely, I will definitely not be able to do what happened today..."

Jiang Shiyao was listening, probably referring to the matter of stabbing Mu Feng in the heart.

"What? You really let him be a matchmaker?"

After hearing this, Zhu Pengchun burst out laughing.

"He doesn't try every means to break us up, so I'm going to burn incense for him and count on him to be a matchmaker. Either I have to wait until the year of the monkey, or I will wait until you become his wife!"

"Fuck you! They told you serious things!"

Embarrassed for a while, Jiang Shiyao pushed Zhu Pengchun directly.

"I'm talking serious too. Just wait and see, isn't it? We'll find out tonight."

This was said lightly, and it sounded like a joke, but only Zhu Pengchun knew how much worry and panic he had behind those words...

"Father, come and see me quickly, don't you want to see that after passing this quota, the two proud students can still chat and laugh happily, and have a good time drinking?"

Jiang Shiyao grabbed Jiang Fanyin and dragged her into the pavilion.

"Hey, you girl! Isn't it a matter of course for the two of them to live in harmony? It's not because Dad wants to betroth you to Mu Feng because he has complaints, but because Dad also feels ashamed of him. That's right, you will never be wrong in the future. Do you really think that dad will promise you out casually?"

Jiang Fanyin felt that this girl really thought of him badly enough, even if he was not as caring as his mother, wouldn't it hurt her like a baby bump?
"Oh, Dad...! Where are you going? They didn't talk about the marriage at all, they just wanted you to go and see! Are you going? Are you going? You are not going... You are not going, I am not going. Forget about you!"

Seeing how stubborn her own father was, Jiang Shiyao simply threw his arm away and pouted instead.

" lost your mother when you beat a child, it's because your father spoiled you..."

Seeing that her daughter used a trick for herself again, Jiang Fanyin also sighed.

"Hey, Dad! Don't drag everything on your mother, okay? If my mother is still here, she definitely won't decide on my marriage so hastily!"

Every time mother was mentioned, father started to say that she was spoiled, as if she had grown crooked without mother these years.

Unconvinced, he spoke louder.

"Huh?! Where's the sloppiness? Mingming's father has observed it again and again, that kid Mu Feng..."

Seeing that his own father was going to say good things about Mu Feng endlessly.

Jiang Shiyao hurriedly waved her hand to stop.

"Stop, stop, stop! The so-called 'hearing is believing, seeing is believing', Dad, those things you checked are not counted!"

Jiang Fanyin suddenly turned around, this is wrong!

"You still say it's not a marriage, but in the end you're still talking about a marriage?"

Jiang Shiyao took a small mouthful, and she got caught in it without paying attention.

But immediately Jiang Shiyao showed the spirit of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, and resolutely refuted.

"The so-called 'real gold is not afraid of fire', if Mu Feng is good, why should he be afraid of my little girl's test?"

(End of this chapter)

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