The shrew of time travel

Chapter 338 Mutual calculation

Chapter 338 Mutual calculation
"So, do you really want to take the test?"

Seeing Jiang Shiyao like this, Jiang Fanyin knew what she believed in, if she didn't follow her, she might not be able to live in peace.

"I have to take the exam."

With tears in her eyes, Jiang Shiyao didn't tell anything about their going to Shuiyu Village.

Slandering non-gentlemen behind their backs, if I tell my father now, it might be self-defeating.

After all, it is her own daughter, Jiang Fanyin knows her temper, and although marriage has always been "the order of the parents, the words of the matchmaker", Yao'er has been raised in the academy like a boy in recent years, it is not true Like a lady from an ordinary family.

"Forget it, I'll let you do it again this time. It's just that after this time, you won't be allowed to have any trouble again in the future!"

I was reluctant to part with it, but I was used to strict eyes, so Jiang Fanyin was putting the ugly words first.

"Well! I promise I won't cause trouble for Dad after this time, but Dad, you have to listen to me this time!"

Jiang Shiyao instantly revived with full blood, and she looked delicate and savage again.

"Uh, listen to you?"

Jiang Fanyin was taken aback for a moment, always feeling that her own daughter seemed to be 'premeditated'.

"Yeah, listen to me. Otherwise, I'll ignore you!"

Jiang Shiyao is holding her own father's arm, very intimate.

"Listen to you, listen to you... walk around, take a look..."

Jiang Fanyin had a faint understanding in his heart, this is really something.

Although Yao'er grew up pampered by him, she never made troubles unreasonably... As she said that, her heart was full of worries...

In the meditation pavilion, Mu Feng and Zhu Pengchun sat opposite each other.

"Brother Zhu, why did you burn the wine today?"

Seeing Zhu Pengchun pick up the wine and scald it, Mu Feng frowned slightly.

It's the end of spring now, and if it's midday, it's still sweltering in single clothes.

This season is still drinking hot wine, tsk tsk, don't you really think that you are a weak scholar from the previous dynasty?
I was disdainful in my heart, but now I couldn't say a word.

"Brother Yu's stomach has been unwell for the past two days, so tired that Brother Feng drank warm wine with Brother Yu. It's really a sin."

Zhu Pengchun's heart twitched slightly, thinking that he was an imposing seven-foot man, and today he also admitted his love.

Is it possible to say that I want to put five stone powder in this wine, if I drink it with cold wine, maybe it will kill someone?

Thinking of Wushisan, Zhu Pengchun's teeth became sore again, it was a bad policy, a bad policy!
"How could it be? Brother Zhu is still willing to drink with me when he is unwell. Brother Zhu has to accept this kind of love!"

Mu Feng's eyes flickered, but they were a little warmer than usual.

At this time, the two had their own plans, one said that they were unwell, the other said that they were brothers, but neither of them mentioned the matter of stopping drinking...

Zhu Pengchun saw that the wine was a little warm, so he picked up the porcelain bottle directly, not really for warming the wine.

Mu Feng only thought that he felt embarrassed, secretly thinking that hot wine would only make the aphrodisiac work faster.

If it was normal, Mu Feng would have to be modest, but now he is a little guilty, and he wants to avoid suspicion, so he let Zhu Pengchun pour the wine.

The two exchanged cups and cups, you come and go, and a lot of nonsense during this time will not be listed in detail.

Besides, there was nothing wrong with Jiang Fanyin looking at the two of them from the sidelines. She wanted to show up several times, but was stopped by Jiang Shiyao.

Just when Jiang Shiyao could no longer hold back, something happened in the pavilion.

"Brother Feng...this wine..."

Zhu Pengchun kept pulling his throat, looking very uncomfortable.

"Brother Zhu, what's the matter? But the wine is too hot, did it burn your throat?"

Seeing Zhu Pengchun's appearance, Mu Feng knew that he was suffering from a drug effect, so he couldn't help but feel complacent, and he didn't even notice any abnormalities in his own body.

(End of this chapter)

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