Chapter 344
Not to mention how Mu Lian'er made love under Yan Kuan for her 'big plan'.

Li Ji 'escaped from the sky' from Shilipo, clutching her bleeding wrist, and was about to return to her life when a man in black appeared out of nowhere.

Hastily pulled out the soft sword from his waist, and pointed the tip of the sword at the man.

The man glanced at the sword with naked contempt in his eyes.

"you failed."

The icy voice came from that mouth, and Li Ji's blood almost froze.

In just an instant, Li Ji had already made up her mind.

"Sunflower drugged me!"

Li Ji opened her mouth lightly, feeling quite pitiful.

But the man didn't intend to listen.

"I'll take you to meet Yanfu."

It was a cold voice again, but it caused huge waves in Li Ji's heart.

Word rich? ! !
This is not what a subordinate should call his master.

His eyes flickered, but Li Ji didn't speak any more.

Before the matter is clear, if you take a wrong step, you may die.

She must live well now!

Obediently let the man in black cover her eyes, and let him take her away.

The wind whistled in my ears, and after an unknown amount of time, there was a sudden thunder.

Just when she thought she would get caught in the rain, the man stopped.

The man only exerted a force on his hand, and the next moment she had a close contact with the cold ground.

"Failed, you failed...Since you failed, why did you bring her back?"

In the first half of the sentence, Yan Fu didn't know whether he was speaking to Li Ji or to himself.

However, the second half of the sentence was undoubtedly addressed to the man in black.

"Master, you don't have many people under your command now..."

For some reason, Li Ji heard a hint of threat.

It took a long time for Yanfu to reply, "Understood."

There was a bit of loneliness and helplessness in the voice, Li Ji was in such a situation on the cold ground, so it was impossible to investigate the reason.

It's just that I faintly feel that there is some great secret hidden in these two short sentences.

"Give me a reason not to kill you!"

Suddenly, Yan Fu's cold and serious voice came from above his head, in addition to being cruel, there was also some kind of anger in that voice.

Li Ji raised her head suddenly, but found that at some point, the man in black had disappeared.

There is only Yan Fu in front of him.

"Because slaves are still useful!"

But with a quick glance, Li Ji quickly lowered her head.

Yan Fu looked deeply at Li Ji who was kneeling on the ground for a long time before speaking.

"I don't keep useless people around me, ha, let alone people, even dogs!"

Li Ji's heart skipped a beat, this life was just taken back, if Yanfu has someone under his command, she can't keep this life no matter what.

"I understand!"

How could Li Ji like the feeling that life and death were in the hands of others, but for Mudan, she had to endure it.

It took another long time before Yan Fu spoke, as if he was unwilling to keep Li Ji's life.

"Where are the sunflowers?"

Yan Fu asked, as if he hadn't thought of Sunflower until now.


While talking, Li Ji's breath became a little unsteady.

"Have you inhaled five stone powder?"

Yan Fu saw that she was sweating profusely on her forehead, and saw her body trembling slightly, which was clearly a symptom of taking Wushisan.

It's just that they have always dealt with Wushi Sanda, so how could they just take the medicine casually?
"Sunflower wants the slave's life."

Li Ji's voice was still faint, as if she was talking about an ordinary thing.

(End of this chapter)

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