The shrew of time travel

Chapter 345 Prove it to me!

Chapter 345 Prove it to me!
"It seems that you know some rules. Remember, failure in mission is failure, there is no reason."

Yan Fu's tone was much more relaxed, and he seemed to have a little more favorable opinion of Li Ji's behavior of defending when she didn't come up just now.

"I understand."

Lizzie lowered her head even more.

"Well, since Sunflower is dead, I'll let you go to bed tonight."

Seeing Li Ji's humble attitude, Yan Fu finally felt a lot better.

Li Ji's heart trembled suddenly, although she knew in her heart that this was a better way to win Yan Fu's trust and take a step forward.

However, after keeping it for so long... How could she be willing to give it to such a person in the end?
In this moment of hesitation, Yan Fu frowned instantly, "Why, you don't want to?"

"Slave's hands, dirty..."

Glancing at the injury on her hand, Li Ji's eyelashes trembled slightly.

"People who practice martial arts, there are no such taboos, come here!"

Following her gaze, Yan Fu also saw the injury on her wrist, and he felt a little more satisfied.

Being able to make an instant judgment and abandoning a pawn to save a car is not something ordinary people can do.

Only then did Li Ji walk towards Yan Fu step by step.

"Don't worry, the technology is no worse than those of your benefactors!"

Seeing her dawdling, Yan Kuan felt displeased and sarcastically said.

Li Ji didn't reply, but walked faster.

When the waiter walked up to Yan Fu, he was already completely stripped of his clothes.

Yan Fu secretly swallowed his saliva, he really is the oiran from Zuixianlou, he is not very attractive, so he can't get up.

He stretched out his hand and pulled Li Ji into his arms, and with his toes, Yan Fu rolled onto the bed with the soft flesh in his arms.

Li Ji couldn't tell what was going on in her heart, she just felt that something important was about to be lost, and her widened eyes showed a bit of panic.

A hint of disdain overflowed from the corner of Yan Fu's mouth, he thought in his heart that he was afraid of him, but he didn't think about whether she would like it or not.

Not to mention that she is a dog raised by him, just talking about the people coming and going in the Drunken Immortal Tower, she, as an oiran, can't go her way in everything.

"You will have a life if you take care of it! Remember, I don't support useless people."

After saying this, Li Ji felt a tearing pain in her lower body, she couldn't help crying out in pain, and two lines of clear tears immediately hung from the corners of her eyes.

Yan Fu obviously realized it too, and glanced at the person below him in surprise.

Immediately, his face was full of anger, and he slapped Li Ji on the face with a slap, and then pressed his hands above his head.

"Bitch! You have selfish motives!"

As he spoke, he ignored Li Ji's pain and became stronger.

"Ah! Slave... I have admired my master for a long time, so every time I pick up a guest, I put him down with five stone powder, and then make the maidservant happy with him. I keep this innocent body, all for the sake of the master!"

The severe pain made Li Ji cry out in pain, but what made her more unacceptable than the pain on her body was that at this moment, as long as she said a wrong word, she would be in danger of dying at any time.

Not to mention that Peony's safety is in her hands, since she has already paid a high price, she will not allow herself to fail again!

"Oh? For me?! You better give me a reason!"

Yan Fu looked at Li Ji viciously, making Li Ji want to die immediately.

"If it weren't for the master when I was ten years old, I would have starved to death on the street, let alone the wealth and glory I have now. The martial arts of the slave are all taught by the master. The slave knows that his status is low, and he has no face to serve the master. This body cannot be given to the master, let alone others... um..."

At the end, Li Ji already had the sound of crying.

It was obviously very uncomfortable.

Although Yan Fu didn't believe it, he was really pleased by the words.

After all, it's not incomprehensible for a girl to cherish her body. In the end, doesn't it belong to herself?
Thinking about it this way, it didn't seem like he was angry just now, and even stopped his movements.

Instead, he lay on his side.

"Prove it to me. If you please me, I will trust you for now."

(End of this chapter)

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