Chapter 350
Mu Weichen's hand clinging to Mu Si tightened, tears flickered in his eyes.

But when he thought about what he was about to say, he froze.

"I knew it... I knew you wouldn't leave... It's just that I know that your family is what you care about the most. Now that the dancing is over, it's time for Ming Jun and Wen Hao to go back to the academy. It's just the two of them together Let's go, Xianyun won't be able to stay anymore. Next, we have to run around...your parents...I'm afraid I won't be able to reach them..."

It was very difficult for Mu Weichen to speak.

In fact, in Yuezhou, which is full of dangers, he himself has narrowly escaped death, and it is already difficult to protect Mu Si.

Now that Huafeng has broken the illusion of the "Dance of Death" with tricks, they have lost one of the methods they have used to intimidate everyone for a long time, and even the "myth" that they have always covered the sky with one hand has been broken.

It is conceivable that waiting for them must be a more violent attack.

The only thing he can think of is to buy some time as much as possible, and hope that these plots will not last too long.

In this way, his body can be restored, not to mention whether he has the courage of "one man should be the one man, ten thousand men can't open it", at least he will not be so passive.

While thinking about it, Mu Si was silent for a long time, he had planned far-reaching plans, how could she force others to be difficult.

But right now, they seem to have another way.

No matter how these parents are, they are also blood relatives left by the original owner. If she doesn't do her best, the soul will not be able to be safe in the sky and on the earth.

"Huaijin, can your barracks be moved to Shuiyu Village? Now that they have been exposed, those people must be unable to disappear from the enemy's eyes no matter where they go. If so, it would be better to set up camp in Shuiyu Village... In this case, even if anyone wants to make a move, they have to weigh it up, right? Mr. Hua is in the Ming Dynasty and has an official position, so those people have to do it secretly... Besides, you have traveled long distances, and you are light soldiers. Since, I don’t think you will bring military pay, how about... How about you contract the army’s food to me, and I will raise them to be 'fat and strong'?"

Mu Si's eyes sparkled, and after he finished speaking, he felt that there was really no better idea than this.

"What did you just call me?"

Mu Weichen was instantly excited, but this excitement was not because of his idea, but because of... the address?
"Huaijin! Oh, speaking of it, I haven't settled accounts with you. I still don't know your real name! Aren't you going to explain to me? The one who agreed to 'live and die' with me people?"

Mu Si rolled his eyes, expressing that he was very vengeful.

"Hui Jin is fine, Huai Jin is fine!"

Excited, Mu Weichen hugged Mu Si in his arms.

This move by meng lang was naturally resisted by Mu Si.

"Hey! Did you hear what I just said?!"

Please, does he know that what she just said is a major issue related to the 'national economy and the people's livelihood'!

When Mu Weichen heard this, he released Mu Si.

"You girl, you want to earn my money like this? Also, what does 'fat and strong' mean? Are you sure you want to raise soldiers for me instead of pigs?"

With a smile in his eyes, Mu Weichen teased her for her inappropriate words.

"Oh, almost! Don't pay attention to these details... How about it? Do you agree? Do you think this idea is good?"

Mu Si looked at Mu Weichen expectantly, and he was about to show off his cuteness to the end.

Mu Weichen really bought it, and gently squeezed the soft flesh on Mu Si's face before replying.

"This king's concubine naturally has good ideas. It's really a blessing to marry you."

 After searching for a long time, I didn’t see where the recommended place is 2333, but the second grader Dingdang has decided to add a new one today~~~Registration at the sixth watch~~~(* ̄3)(ε ̄*)~~~~

(End of this chapter)

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