The shrew of time travel

Chapter 351 Review Review Rules

Chapter 351 Review Review Rules
This is teasing, okay?

He said such frivolous words in a serious manner, with sincerity on his face.

The serious look on her face instantly made her fascinated and unable to extricate herself, and Mu Si's little face, which was making small plans, instantly seemed to be dyed with a layer of rouge.

"Not yet married..."

"Oh, does the concubine mean that you think the king is too slow? Don't panic, if the king's predictions are correct, the imperial decree to bestow marriage is already on the way..."

who is it?Who said that a doctor who is shy and introverted, who has read the books of sages, will never do anything against the way of sages?Who was it that deceived her to think that he was a piece of wood?

This flirtatious skill...Compared to him, I'm like the five scumbags who can't be saved...

In the fugue, Mu Weichen's face is already close at hand.

Mu Si came back to his senses, and in front of him was Mu Weichen's magnified handsome face, his face that had been flushed just now was more like dripping blood, and his heartbeat was even more beating, which was clearly recognizable.

"Master! Mr. Hua is here to apologize."

Bo Yifei's voice sounded at the right time, interrupting the beauty in the private room.

Mu Si suddenly came back to his senses, and unconsciously took a step back.

damn it!
Mu Weichen's fist was crunched by him, and the affection on his face changed to gloom at a rapid rate.

It seems that Bo Yifei has stayed outside for too long, and he has already forgotten what the rules are.

With his eyes fixed on the door, Mu Weichen finally spoke.

"Come in."

Bo Yifei who was outside the door shuddered at the low voice that swept over like hell.

He just looked back at Hua Feng who was bowing his head, thinking that now he is the one who is afraid of wolves before and tigers behind, and dare not offend any of them.

But anyway, it was knocked and knocked, and it was too late to repent.

Dang even pushed the door open.

At the first glance, I saw my grandfather's face that looked like a murderous god, and at the second sight, it was the future concubine who was blushing.

The foot that was just about to fall was lifted by him like this, and he refused to fall for a long time.

Judging from his recent unlucky experience, maybe he will be unlucky again when he enters the house.

While hesitating, Hua Feng already passed him and entered the door first.

Very well, a heart was raised in the throat, and then it was put back in its original place.

However, at the moment when his feet hit the ground, Bo Yifei suddenly understood what it meant to be 'too early to be happy'...

"Recently, I've been out for a long time, and I can't even knock on the door. Once I fly, I will ask Chaosheng to review the rules of the mansion for you, so as not to take you out in the future and embarrass my master."

clack clack...

Bo Yifei heard that his heart was broken into pieces, it was exactly like glass shards... Gu Chaosheng...that smiling tiger...

If I fall into his hands, will I still have a good life?
Silently praying ten thousand times for himself in his heart, Bo Yifei can only hope that that guy will not come back too soon.

It's best to come back after Grandpa forgets about it.

"This subordinate obeys... this subordinate resigns..."

Bo Yifei, who learned to be smart, decided to disappear temporarily to reduce his sense of existence.

Mu Weichen gave him a look, and he rolled away in a hurry.

"Huafeng, you better have something important..."

The anger has not yet subsided, and Mu Weichen's face is full of displeasure.

"This old man is here to plead guilty."

As it was about Mu Si, the new noble master, Hua Feng didn't dare to be sloppy in the slightest, even he did everything he could with respect.

(End of this chapter)

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