Chapter 352
Before Mu Weichen could speak, Mu Si's body trembled slightly after the two pleas in succession, and he hurried forward a few steps.

"Could it be Peony... Could it be that something happened to Peony?"

Hua Feng was slightly taken aback, just now he was only focused on pleading guilty to the prince, but unexpectedly Mu Si was also on the spot, and the feeling of guilt and emptiness in his heart suddenly rose to the peak.

He actually knelt down in front of Mu Si with a plop.

Mu Si's face turned pale, "What's wrong with Peony?"

Mu Weichen's gaze shot over like lightning. At this time, they have just taken the first step of cooperation. If something happens to Mudan, they will not only lose a friend, but also gain an enemy.

Huafeng wouldn't even understand this.

"Miss Mu Si, Peony is safe and sound, and will be released in a while. I'm sorry, it's... Miss Mu Si..."

"Why does Mr. Hua need to be like this? Let's talk about something..."

As he spoke, he took another step forward, intending to lift Huafeng up.

"What needs you to hesitate so much?"

At this moment, Mu Weichen frowned slightly, actually interrupting Mu Si's movements.

Hua Feng, who was kneeling, froze suddenly, and the master saw that Mu Si was heavier than he imagined.

"Just now when Bai Qi asked why he was not as good as Miss Mu Si, I was quick to answer, and Miss Mu Si had kindness to me..."

With a chill in my heart, I finally said something.

Unexpectedly, Mu Weichen sneered when he heard this.

"Ha, I don't know about 'magic fortune teller' and 'quick talk'!"

Under this sneer, Hua Feng knelt up straighter.

"Please punish me. Seeing that Miss Musi is in danger, I am helpless to save her, but I pushed the girl into the abyss again, I deserve to die!"

As he spoke, he kowtowed to Mu Weichen.

"Hmph! The person you want to blame is not me!"

How could Mu Weichen not know his difficulties, and how could he not understand Mu Si's situation, just now he and Mu Si had discussed the current matter.

This time the old matter was brought up again, but it was difficult for him to deal with it directly.

Although he knew Hua Feng's difficulties, if he ignored this 'pleading guilty', it would inevitably make him despise Mu Si, and he would no longer worry about her safety in his future actions.

It was not what he wanted.

If Huafeng is punished for this matter, it will make the subordinates feel that they are out of their wits, and they will regard Mu Si as a disaster, and feel that he is not a wise master.

Precisely at this moment, he handed over the decision-making power to Mu Si, which showed how much he valued Mu Si.

Furthermore, it was about Mu Si, it was reasonable for Hua Feng to plead guilty to Mu Si.

Naturally, the most important thing is that he believes that Mu Si will be able to handle this matter well. In this way, it will also help Mu Si build up his prestige. He can protect her and love her. The only thing that needs to be done is for her to do it herself...

For a moment, all kinds of thoughts flashed through the great prince's mind, but he didn't know that Mu Si was stunned on the spot by the question he threw.

After a while, I realized that I had to figure it out by myself.

Mu Si directly supported Hua Feng, but Hua Feng pleaded guilty and refused to get up.

"Elder Hua and I are not new acquaintances, and Elder Hua will never harm me! But, Elder Hua, could it be that you have hidden some treasure on this ground, and you are so clutching it and refusing to get up?"

As soon as these words came out, both of them were taken aback, even Hua Feng didn't expect Mu Si to say such words.

Her words stirred up the originally chilling atmosphere, and abruptly turned it into a group of harmony, which made people smile unconsciously.

"The old man has told Yi Fei several times in the past that he believes in the prince's vision, but the old man himself is dubious. Now, I, Hua Feng, recognize this princess. If someone else is around, the old man will not be the first!"

(End of this chapter)

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