The shrew of time travel

Chapter 367 Want to Use Your Old House

Chapter 367 Want to Use Your Old House

Mu Sisu is not a sentimental person, but recently he always feels that there are more opportunities for tears to wet his eyes.

She tried her best to sniff her nose, not to let herself cry.

Without being pretentious any more, he directly put the hairpin on the bun.

"How is it? Does it look good?"

The two brothers immediately smiled when they saw it, as long as they like it.

"Looks good, Si'er is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, she looks good in anything she wears."

Mu Mingjun smiled honestly and spoke very seriously.

Mu Si was very happy when he heard this, but he still retorted, "Brother, tell me what you said, that's all. If sister-in-law hears it, she will be jealous!"

"You girl, you're a big kid! Where did you get so much jealousy? Alright, your little brother and I will leave now, if you don't leave, Xianyun will have to wait."

Mu Mingjun laughed aloud jokingly at her, but quickly stopped him.

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to your sisters-in-law?"

Mu Si knew that they already had great ambitions, but still felt that such a parting was too hasty.

Mu Wenhao sniffed in disbelief, this person who usually said he didn't care, was the one who was most reluctant to leave when he left.

It's good not to mention it, what Mu Si said almost made this little brother shed tears.

"I said it when I proposed marriage yesterday, and she understands it all. It can't be done, it's getting late, and it will be dark if we stay any longer..."

After speaking, he turned his face away, not wanting Mu Si to see his distress.

Mu Si looked up at the sun that had just risen not long ago, and couldn't help but have black lines all over his head, it must be my little brother's sky is getting dark...

Knowing that he was afraid that he would be reluctant if he didn't leave, Dang even nodded, "That's fine, brothers, take care."

Mu Mingjun looked at Mu Si and nodded heavily, Mu Wenhao just took a quick glance and walked ahead without looking back.

"I'll meet Xianyun first!"

While walking, he waved to Mu Si.

Only then did Mu Mingjun nod his head at Mu Sizhong.

"Take care of yourself."

After all, he walked heavily on the road.

Mu Si looked at the backs of the two who were going away, and then wiped his face that had just been attacked by tears.

Little brother's tears, really...'unbelievable'...

When I turned around, Chunhua and Pomegranate were behind me, and I didn't know when they had already cried into a ball...

What, is this home popular now?

"From the Mu family! From the Mu family..."

Looking at the two crying anxiously in front of him, Mu Si didn't know how to react when the village chief Cui Yuren's voice came from outside the door.

Tsk tsk, it's really like three autumns without seeing each other, and the voice of the old village chief is also true, I miss it very much!

Just as she was thinking, Cui Yuren had already stepped into the yard, still calling "Mu's", Mu Sixin said that now "Mu's" is in the house trying to curry favor with her future son-in-law, even sending her son off for a while. I don't care about such big things, I'm afraid I don't have time to greet the old village chief...

Thinking of this, Mu Si sweetly called Cui Yuren who came in, "Uncle Village Chief..."

Immediately, Cui Yuren's gaze was drawn over.

"The fourth sister is back, it's good to be back, it's good to be back!"

Such a panting appearance is likely to be in a hurry, Cui Yuren gasped for several breaths in a row, and didn't even pay attention to his own daughter who was crying behind Mu Si, so he hurriedly opened his mouth to Mu Si again.

"Fourth sister, someone came from the yamen of the town just now! It is said that the army will come to live in our town for a while, and they will borrow your old courtyard by name. I will let you know about it!"

Cui Yuren's excited eyes almost popped out, waiting for Mu Si's face.

This girl has never played cards according to common sense, he was really afraid of what she would do at this juncture.

(End of this chapter)

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