The shrew of time travel

Chapter 368 The Village Chief Wants to Demolish the House

Chapter 368 The Village Chief Wants to Demolish the House
Looking at Cui Yuren's eyes like looking at a thief, Mu Si couldn't help but slander, when did she do something unreliable, and why is she so afraid of her guarding against her?
"It doesn't matter, but, since it is an army, I am afraid that people will be indispensable. Can our old house live in it?"

Mu Si felt that this matter was a bit precarious, what kind of trouble is this!

"That's easy to say. I've already made it clear that your front yard should be moved out! It's your house that's left. It will be opened up at that time, and it will be spacious, so that the soldiers can directly set up tents to live in!"

Wood Four: ...

There was a house to live in, and a tent was demolished. Mu Si also wanted to see the structure of the head of the person who came up with this bad idea.

"Then let's make a deal like that! I have to find someone to make a fuss about it. When the military men come, I can't sleep on the street, right?"

What is the difference between setting up a tent in the village and sleeping on the street?
Mu Si felt that he must not have woken up yet.

However, before she finished wondering if she was sleepwalking, Cui Yuren's guy had already left the house.

He walked in such a hurry that he even lost one of his shoes and came back to get it again. Isn't it Huafeng's soldiers?Village Chief, are you really so excited?

In the blink of an eye, Cui Yuren's shadow disappeared, and Musi didn't even have time to express his opinion. As he said, it was just an 'information'.

Mu Si shrugged his shoulders towards the place where Cui Yuren disappeared, spread his hands, turned around and saw the future sister-in-law hugging and crying together, he shook his arms, loosened his shoulders, and went back to himself directly past the two The house went to bed...

The Zuixian Tower is gone, the business of Pipa Gao has been put on hold, and she has to find another way of living...

Yawning lazily, Mu Si went directly back to the house to sleep, and the physical work of making a living, let's wait until she's asleep, after a whole night of exhaustion, she's almost falling apart...

Cui Yuren, the head of Shuiyu Village, has already summoned a few men to demolish the house.

Those who didn't know the posture thought they were going to fight.

The men are all working, and the girls naturally gather together to gossip.

"This is, what are you going to do here? Why are these people? Are they all gone to the ground?"

"What kind of work can there be in the field? The few grasses are so dead that they can't die anymore. The village chief is calling people to demolish the house! Ten cents a day!"

"Ten Wen? So little?!"

"Hey?! Love to go or not, do you think that everyone in the world is like the fourth sister? You can pick a few loquats and give them a hundred and eighty coppers. Now ten cents a day, go to the town to find There is no job at all!"

That person just woke up, isn't it something?Unexpectedly, it was too easy to earn the copper coins two days ago, and now he doesn't take ten coins seriously.

"I'll go back and call the master!"

After thinking about it, the man hurried home and called for someone.

At home, Mrs. Mu waited for others not to come, and waited for others not to come, so he simply went out.

Unexpectedly, I ran into this matter as soon as I went out, and originally wanted to find someone to inquire about it, but unfortunately, the Mu family's popularity is so bad that no one paid attention to her.

After a while, Mrs. Mu overheard something.

Knowing that Cui Yuren is going to demolish the house, it's a pity that she is worrying about Mu Lian'er, who is worth ten taels of silver, so why would she be tempted by these ten coins!
I patted my buttocks and went to the entrance of the village to look around for a while, but there was no sign of Mu Lian'er. Finally, the Mu family began to worry.

(End of this chapter)

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