The shrew of time travel

Chapter 383 This kind of thing, I should come first

Chapter 383 This kind of thing, I should come first

Going around, Mu Si always felt that the doctor had dug a hole for himself, waiting for her to jump...

But this really reminded her, even if the shop really couldn't make money, she wouldn't have nowhere to go, let's just open the shop as soon as it opened, the weather is getting hotter now, and she made ice again , it would be a pity not to make good use of it.

After thinking about it silently, I felt more and more that this shop should be opened.

Finally, after a long silence, Mu Si nodded.

"open it."

Mu Weichen: ...

It seems that what they just had is not an unresolved topic...

Before Mu Weichen could speak, Musi had already continued.

"Okay! It's such a happy decision! I will go to the town to look at the shop in a few days!"

Mu Si put down the bowl suddenly, raised his arms and called out, that was a man of great pride.

Mu Weichen was stunned, who will tell him what happened...

"Master, you have worked hard these two days, go to bed quickly. I will go to bed after packing up. Since I have decided to open a shop, I will bring Sister Chunhua and Sister Pomegranate together tomorrow. Tian', if the business of the shop is settled, the affairs of the family must also keep up, don't you? Master, you really wake up the dreamer! I can't exhaust myself to death!"

It's easy to talk about it, and Mu Si has already started to clean up the dishes.

She spoke so quickly and without leaving any gaps, Mu Weichen didn't even have a chance to interrupt.

He originally wanted to tell her that now that she is in the 'Great Courtyard', she can buy a few maids to serve her.

Just thinking about her 'diligent and thrifty housekeeping' disposition, coupled with the fact that she was chanting words at the moment, she seemed to be very excited, and suddenly lost the desire to speak.

Anyway, as long as she is happy.

The future will be long, it's really impossible... Don't we still have two hundred soldiers?

Anyway, idle is idle……

The prince thought of this for a lifetime, and the soldiers of Shilipo shuddered one after another...

My there anyone who cheats his own soldiers like this?

However, the great prince obviously didn't notice it, he didn't feel that what he did was inappropriate at all, but he nodded, thinking that this method is really very good, maybe it can even save wages.

After all, they are paid by the army and don’t fight wars, umm, it’s really comfortable to think about their life...

Sure enough, it's a family. It turns out that the great prince is also well versed in the way of 'diligent and thrifty housekeeping', tsk tsk, it's not a family, don't enter the family!

However, my lord, is it really okay for you to cheat your own soldiers like this?
However, with the depth of Mu Weichen's city, there will be no clues.

By then, even if they are not will be too late!
After thinking about it, Mu Weichen smiled, and seemed to be in a really good mood.

... I've never seen anything like this, and I'm so happy to plan my own soldiers, this must be a fake prince...

Mu Si came back from washing the dishes, saw Mu Weichen still sitting on the stool and giggled, he quickly shook his head, trying to get rid of the illusion, but it was of no use...

Walking forward silently, Mu Si touched Mu Weichen's forehead. She felt that Mu Weichen must have a fever!
As soon as her hand touched Mu Weichen's head, the next second, she was hugged by Mu Weichen in his arms.

"My lady, you can tell me if you need anything. Although I don't object to your initiative, my lady, it's not good for you to be seen by others. In the future, I will come first..."

Mu Weichen stared straight at Mu Si in his arms, and spoke very seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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