The shrew of time travel

Chapter 384 What House To Demolish?

Chapter 384 What House To Demolish?
Sensing the extremely serious eyes of the doctor, for some reason, Mu Si's mind kept flashing that she took off the teacher's pants when they first met...

It's over... I'm afraid she will bear this stigma for the rest of her life...

Hehe laughed twice, Mu Si got out of Mu Weichen's arms directly.

"Master, go to bed early. There are still many things to do tomorrow."

Mu Weichen looked at the empty arms and was stunned for a while.

However, Mu Si hurried to his yard...

Early the next morning, Mu Si was awakened by the noise in the yard.

He put on his clothes and combed his hair in a daze, and when he came out, he saw Mrs. Mu in the center of the crowd.

I understand in my heart that this is finding fault again, hehe...

Mu Si calmly washed his face and brushed his teeth...

"Village chief, let me tell you! I don't accept what you did today! You can't do this! Who doesn't know that the house belongs to our family?! Village chief, how can you say demolition? Just tear it down?!"

Mu's loud voice, even if Mu Si didn't have to listen to it deliberately, it would get into Mu Si's ears.

Hearing this, Cui Yuren frowned unconsciously.

"As far as I know, the house has been assigned to the wooden peg a long time ago... If that's the case, how can it be your turn to make decisions?"

"Huh? Why can't it be my turn to decide?! The third child was born by me. He is stupid. I, a mother, can't look at him stupid! How can you bully people like this? A good house is about to be demolished No matter how bad it is, I will leave it for him to marry a wife, and it is all my mother's heart! Anyway, I don't agree with the demolition of the house!"

As soon as Mrs. Mu said these words, the crowd sighed.

'A mother's heart'? ? ?
There is nothing wrong with anyone saying this, it is not appropriate to put it only on Mu's side.

She sold her two granddaughters in a row, so what heart does she have?Even if there is, it is wolf ambition!

Everyone knew it well, but no one wanted to pick the leader or make such a sound.

After all, Mu Shuan's family hasn't spoken yet, has they?

Mrs. Xiaomu listened for a while but didn't understand why, she was in a cloud of fog.

"What house to demolish?"

Crowd: ...

The stunned people could not help but ignite a thick fire of gossip.

Originally thought that Mu's face-to-face meeting would be the end of the battle, but Xiao Mu's words just now directly gave the ending infinite possibilities!

Mu Si, who was brushing his teeth with a willow stick, couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this, this is terrible!

She has always been used to making decisions, yesterday the village chief told her about this matter, and she responded directly, and she didn't even discuss it with Xiaomu's family, let alone Mu Shuan's.

That muddled father, she usually doesn't even want to talk...

While thinking about it, the Mu family suddenly sneered.

"Everyone, look, look! The third daughter-in-law doesn't know what's going on! People don't even know, and the village chief just forcibly demolished other people's houses. Who can justify this?!"

Although the Mu family is used to rascals, Cui Yuren couldn't refute this matter.

Helplessly looking at the Xiaomu family who had just caused an uproar, Cui Yuren had no choice but to speak.

"Mu Siniang, I told Mu Si yesterday. The military masters are coming and need to set up camp. The military master said, try to be as close to your home as possible. I thought that the old house would be the best, with the front and back yards Son. Why, you don’t know?”

I heard that Mu Si was kind to Mr. Huafeng, so he insisted on coming here. Cui Yuren moved the 'Jun Ye' out at this moment, naturally hoping that even if Mrs. Xiao Mu didn't get the letter yesterday, he could immediately Make a judgment to save him this embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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