The shrew of time travel

Chapter 407 Nothing...

Chapter 407 Nothing...

Mu Shuan thought that Mu Feng was careless for a while, and immediately felt complacent, fearing that Mu Feng would repent, he hurriedly took out the silver ticket from Hui's pocket.

It was about to be put into Mu Feng's hands, but when he was about to put it away, he felt something was wrong in his heart, and he hesitated a little in his movements.

Unexpectedly, Mu Feng grabbed the hand of the wooden peg, and while carefully taking off the bank note, he said,
"Third Brother, can't you still trust me? The money is safe with me, and the safekeeping will not be snatched by my mother. Don't worry..."

Hearing these words, the hesitant hand of the wooden peg loosened immediately, and the silver ticket fell into Mu Feng's hands. He felt a little awkward in his heart, but he couldn't think of what was wrong for a while, only after hearing Mu Feng's words just now. The custody will not be snatched by mother', I feel that the source of my awkwardness is here...

Ignoring the discomfort in his heart, Mu Shuan forced a smile and said, "What's the matter with the fourth brother? The fourth brother is a scholar, and the third brother certainly believes it..."

Now that the bank ticket is in hand, Mu Feng doesn't have the heart to talk nonsense with him, but he is used to acting in the past, so now he wants to play a full set.

"So, let's see the result in two days!"

As he said that, Mu Feng cupped his hands towards the wooden peg, raised his foot and strode out the door.

From the beginning to the end, Mrs. Mu held back desperately and dared not speak out, for fear that if he talked too much, he would spoil his son's affairs.

Seeing that the work has been done, he didn't say much, just followed Mu Feng's buttocks, and left...

Seeing the backs of the two leaving in a hurry, Mu Shuan felt that there was something empty in his heart for some reason...

In the yard, Mrs. Xiao Mu was still packing up her things, she vaguely saw the tiptoes of the two of them, so she slipped out and hid in the kitchen.

Subconsciously, she didn't want to face this difficult mother-in-law.

Hiding in the kitchen like this, Mrs. Mu could almost hear her own heartbeat.

"Fourth, it's no wonder you say mother is stupid every day. Today I understand, I don't blame you, mother is really stupid... I didn't expect it to be so easy, 50 taels... 50 taels of silver..."

As soon as he arrived in the yard, Mrs. Mu couldn't hold back his mouth.

50 taels of silver, it almost knocked her head off.

"Go out and talk! Go!"

In Mu Feng's heart, he despises his mother's future, but he has to stop her. The most urgent thing is to go home quickly, and this matter will not change after returning home.

Mrs. Mu immediately walked with her head depressed, not daring to say another word, but Mrs. Mu in the kitchen heard her words seriously.

A feeling of uneasiness surged towards her, and without thinking about it, Mrs. Mu rushed out of the kitchen and went to the north room. At this time, Mrs. Mu and her son had already left the gate.

"The head of the house! The head of the house! What about the 50 taels of silver?"

In the north room, I saw Mrs. Xiao Mu staring at Mu Shuan, who was feeling uneasy, with rabbit-like eyes.

"Oh... I made a bet with my fourth brother. I will temporarily let my fourth brother take care of the bank note. In two days, our family will have an additional acre of land!"

As soon as Mu Shuan mentioned the ground, the feeling of uneasiness just now disappeared a lot, even Xiao Mu's face became more and more ugly, and he didn't notice it.

"I made a bet... I made a bet? It's gone... It's gone... It's gone..."

Seeing Mu Shuan like this, and thinking about what Mu Shi and third uncle said just now, when Xiao Mu's eyelids touched, tears flowed down.

Then he sat down on the ground and cried loudly.

"God! What the hell have I done?! Why did I just follow a man like you?! Don't tell me I have no ability, you kicked out my daughter, and even the money that kicked out my daughter was taken away." Someone lied to you! You are so, so confused!"

(End of this chapter)

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