Chapter 408
"Fourth brother is...a scholar..."

Mu Shuan stared blankly at Mrs. Mu who was slumped on the ground, and finally understood where the unease in his heart came from.

It's just that the mouth is still murmuring, but I don't know if the words are to comfort Xiaomu, or to comfort myself...

Besides, Mu Shi and Mu Feng finally went out, Mu Shi couldn't hold back any longer.

"Son! Mother has gained a lot of knowledge today, and this book is worth reading! You can go to the academy with peace of mind. Mother will take care of everything at home. Even if you sell everything, mother will support you!"

Thinking of the scene of asking for money today, Mrs. Mu felt his heart surge, and immediately let out bold words!

Now that the money is in hand, coupled with Mu's boast, Mu Feng is somewhat invincible.

How many of the things he calculated were wrong?

Except for being put together by Zhu Pengchun and that cheap girl last time!Hmph, when he returns to the academy, he must make them look good!

"Promise! It's only 50 taels of silver. I can only blame him for being too stupid. He has his life to enjoy this money!"

Mu Feng's tone was very contemptuous, "Furthermore, although reading has various benefits, it is also for the future. This 'brain' cannot be obtained by reading a few books..."

Saying that, Mu Feng smugly waved the folding fan in his hand a few times.

Coincidentally, as soon as Bo Yifei came back from Lusong Academy, he couldn't wait to come back and report to his father.

How did they know that they ran into Mu's shrew on the road, so it was really a fate.

Although the one next to him didn't know each other, Mu's "son" revealed his identity. As the saying goes, "it's not that one family doesn't enter the other family." Listening to what they said, you know it's not a good thing!

Bo Yifei immediately geared up, just now the master stopped him from venting his anger on the princess, now God has sent people to the door, if he doesn't do anything, wouldn't it be a disappointment to God's painstaking effort?

Tsk tsk, I don't know if God can know that he still has such painstaking efforts...

It's just that Bo Yifei's result of all this gearing up is of course to do it!
He thought to himself that he didn't have the order of the master, so he couldn't cause trouble for the master, could he?
The idea of ​​beating the two of them was strangled to death by him in the cradle, he raised his steps slightly, and in an instant he was behind the two of them, he raised his hands at the same time, raised the knife and dropped them, and the two of them fell down .

How could Bo Yifei notice Mu Feng's two strokes that he practiced in the academy? After suffering this stroke, he fell to the ground just like Mrs. Mu, so dizzy that he couldn't faint anymore...

Just now he vaguely heard the two talk about the 50 taels of silver, and looking at the direction they came from, Bo Yifei knew in his heart that the 50 taels of silver fell into the hands of these two men again.

He was not polite at the moment, just fumbling with Mu Feng.

Hey, don't get me wrong, he really didn't know that the banknote was on Mu Feng's body, but he thought that even if it was on Mu's body, he would be able to delay it later, well, good luck, this time, he really found it caught!
"Humph! It's cheaper for you!"

Putting the banknotes in his bosom, he scolded Mrs. Mu coldly, and Bo Yifei left in the dust, leaving the two dead bodies standing behind him...

As for whether they will be licked by stray dogs, or whether they will be robbed a second time... who knows? !Mainly, he couldn't wait for this to happen!

While thinking, Bo Yifei suddenly raised his head, and saw his grandfather was already standing at the door, apparently waiting for him...

(End of this chapter)

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