The shrew of time travel

Chapter 594 I wish the girl immediate success!

Chapter 594 I wish the girl immediate success!

Mu Si sneered, and wanted to make a drastic move.

She wanted to see how capable the legendary vice president was.

If possible, she would like to get rid of the vice president as well.

Seeing Mu Si being so violent, he didn't know what to say for a while.

After contemplating the words, Su Nai finally spoke.

"The dean you just mentioned is..."

Su Nai couldn't continue talking about half of it, after all, it was the dean's name, and it was really difficult for him to call him by his first name.

"It's Lu Qiyang, Dean Lu, if even Dean Lu can't be the master, then what happened today is another matter..."

Mu Si's words were particularly forceful, and the hidden meaning in his words was that he had a deep friendship with Lu Qiyang.

In fact, it was Mu Si's intention to mislead, and what happened today is not without troubles.

After all, Mudan and Xiaocui had indeed stayed in Zuixianlou before, and with Lu Qiyang's banner, no matter what other people think, they have to weigh their own weight.

Whether it is for Jiang Fanyin in front of him or the students after him, it is a deterrent.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhen Musi said this, he heard the sound of breathing around him one after another.

"I don't know what the relationship between Miss Mu Si and Dean Lu is..."

Su Nai asked halfway before he felt that his words were inappropriate, so he quickly stopped talking.

"The student didn't inquire maliciously, Miss Mu Si, Haihan..."

Saying that, Su Nai bowed to Mu Si.

"It doesn't matter... the Mu family brother who was widely rumored in the academy before and was accepted by Dean Lu as a closed disciple is exactly my brother..."

Mu Si's words startled a thousand layers of waves.

Immediately, the well-disciplined students couldn't help but start whispering.

After Jiang Fanyin listened, his lips twitched a few times, and he opened his mouth slightly, but he didn't know what to say.

"So that's how it is... Su Nai wishes Miss Musi every success!"

These words were said by Su Nai with full momentum.

He said it with sincerity.

"I wish Miss Musi every success!"

With Su Nai taking the lead, the others also bowed their hands to Mu Si.

This momentum made Mu Si slightly taken aback. The students who were still confronting her just now turned their backs one after another?
"This is……"

"Miss Mu Si, I ask Miss Mu Si to convey the aspirations of the students."

Saying that, Su Nai bowed to Mu Si again.

Instead, Mu Si was confused and immediately froze on the spot.

Was this a charade for her?

Mu Si blinked her eyes, how did she respond to these words?

"It's all due to old age and incompetence, not to mention being confused, and the students have been wronged, and they have been trapped in the haze for a long time.

What happened before was indeed old-fashioned, the shop of Miss Mudan and Miss Xiaocui was indeed destroyed by the Academy.

Give the old man some time, and the shop will be restored to its original state...

Ruomu Fourth Miss really has a way, this old man... also please..."

Seeing that Mu Si was silent, Jiang Fanyin thought that he was fussing over the previous matter.

Immediately come up with an apology.

At this time, Kong Dang Mu Si already remembered that the matter of Jiang Shiyao being plotted before was finally left to nothing.

According to Master Jiang's love for Jiang Shiyao, he shouldn't let Mu Feng come back.

However, Mu Feng's shadow appeared again in Qingsong Academy, which shows that he is being held back by others.

In addition, when Mu Si saw the scene where Su Nai and An Jingxuan were torn apart when they first arrived...

Mu Si suddenly had a realization in his heart, the crowd didn't hate that dean and Mu Feng, but they just had no choice.

Acting like this now is actually asking her to stand out and complain to Lu Qiyang on behalf of everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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