The shrew of time travel

Chapter 595 Create a Book of Ten Thousand Words

Chapter 595 Create a Book of Ten Thousand Words

"I understand... But, as we all know, Dean Lu always helps the manager but not the relatives, even if I... go there so rashly, there may be something wrong..."

Mu Si didn't rush to agree, even if she was sure to get things done, she agreed too also seemed that she was too talkative, didn't she?

"Dean Lu is naturally a person with strict legal principles. We... really made it difficult for Miss Mu..."

Thinking of the headache-provoking deputy dean and the formidable figure in the main courtyard, Jiang Fanyin also felt distressed.

"Although it is difficult for me to go through this way, there is still a way to try..."

Mu Si turned the topic slightly, leaving everyone with a glimmer of hope.

"Ms. Mu Si, please tell me."

Jiang Fanyin looked a little excited.

"With the power of Mu Si alone, it may be difficult to convince Dean Lu. Why don't we gather the strength of everyone and write a ten-thousand-word book, so that the dean will consider it carefully..."

While talking, Mu Si secretly observed everyone's reactions.

"That's right, that's right!"

Speaking of the dean, he looked at the person behind him, "What do you think of this matter?"

"Create a book of ten thousand words!"

"Create a book of ten thousand words!"

The so-called law does not blame the public, and when the public sees someone taking the lead, they become more courageous.

"Then Master Jiang will prepare the Ten Thousand Words Book, and then I will send it to Dean Lu. I don't know what Master Jiang wants?"

Seeing that everyone was not timid, Mu Si was somewhat satisfied, so he nodded.

"Okay, okay! Then I'll do it now... I'll do it..."

Jiang Fanyin's face was red, and she was suddenly excited.

"I'm not busy with this matter...Master can prepare slowly. Now that things are over here, we should go back..."

Although Mu Si could understand Master Jiang's excitement, she really didn't have time to wait here.

"Master Jiang, don't worry, if the Wanyan book is ready, you can send it to me at any time. Once there is news, I will come back and send a letter to the academy..."

After a short pause, Mu Si continued.

"There is just one thing I want to discuss with my master..."

"Miss Musi, what's the matter? Please tell me..."

Jiang Fanyin answered happily, but he already raised a few points in his heart, thinking that Mu Si wanted to make some kind of condition with him.

"I would like to invite Sister Shiyao to my house to be the wife of me and my sister-in-laws...Musi came here this time for precisely this reason...Other things are nothing more than accidental incidents...I hope you will allow me..."

Tell the whole story clearly, lest Jiang Fanyin will misunderstand that he is taking Jiang Shiyao away.

"This... Yao'er has never left my side for a long time..."

It has to be said that Jiang Fanyin still has some concerns about this.

Although Jiang Shiyao has always been raised in men's clothing in the academy, she is different from those young ladies who don't leave home.

However, it was still lingering under Jiang Fanyin's nose.

Although he was worried about offending Mu Si at the moment, Jiang Fanyin was eager to love his daughter and refused to agree easily.

"Don't worry, master. Before, the master also said that the Musi shop in the academy will be rebuilt.

In the future, it is unavoidable to come to the academy to deliver goods, Shiyao just needs to follow, leave early and return late, unless the weather or other emergencies, Shiyao will not be allowed to stay at my house...

I don't know if the master can think about it again... My sisters-in-law and I are really looking forward to Shiyao's arrival. "

The words were sincere, but Jiang Fanyin was stumped.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Fanyin finally spoke.

"How about this? How about you set a time and come to the academy to attend classes? Yao'er will be the master, and you both have to run back and forth. In this way, there will be no delay..."

(End of this chapter)

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