The shrew of time travel

Chapter 610 The Most Ruthless Imperial Family

Chapter 610 The Most Ruthless Imperial Family
After hearing this, Bai Bingxiang felt a chill in his heart.

Originally, I was only focused on putting the hat on the wooden four, but I forgot to set the correct age.

However, at this time, it was really "the bow and no arrow to turn back". If this crime could not fall on Mu Weichen's head, it would definitely fall on himself.

Bai Bingxiang couldn't let him go, so he scolded him immediately.

"Full of nonsense, with Lin Mosheng's heirloom jade pendant here, how can you deny it?! Even if this Mu Si is not Lin Mosheng's direct daughter, then it has something to do with this Lin Mosheng! Mu Weichen, you can't escape the law! "

Seeing Bai Bingxiang so furious, Mu Weichen felt better.

Just like women quarreling on the street, the louder the voice, the more guilty they are. On the contrary, the one who grasps the truth calmly...Of course, there are also people with strong temper, but Bai Bingxiang is obviously not among them...

"General Bai, I want to call you general. I mainly want to remind you of your identity. As an official of the court, especially a general who has the power of life and death, it is still very important to distinguish right from wrong. Like General Bai... it is no different from It's a disregard for human life... Tsk tsk, so, I really have to worry about my Daze's country..."

Mu Weichen's cold words reached Bai Bingxiang's ears, which really made him furious.

"Mu Weichen! Don't scare me there, right and wrong can be judged by the nine kings!"

After all, Bai Bingxiang looked directly at Jun Jiuge with a sincere expression.

Now that he has produced the physical evidence, he is not afraid that something will happen to Mu Weichen.

What made him even more confident was that this jade pendant was not fabricated by him out of thin air, but something real!

It's true that "Heaven's evil is forgivable; self-inflicted evil cannot live", whether he has the heart to rebel or not, now he can only blame him for his bad eyesight, hey, he is self-righteous, and he can't ask for it!

Jun Jiuge stretched out his hand, and Bai Bingxiang handed the jade pendant to Jun Jiuge with discernment.

The feeling of coolness spread into the palm of the hand. In this hot summer day, the hot and restless mood faintly rose, and it was suppressed by this coolness, and it disappeared immediately.

White marble is warm in winter and cool in summer, but the piece in my hand has blood on the edge, which is no longer the same as before.

However, this does not prevent Jun Jiuge from recognizing the jade.

The people in the palace were intrigues, and he was in it, so he knew it very clearly.

Concubine Lin is a very special person.

At the time of her death, she was already the head of the four concubines, and the position of imperial concubine had been vacant for her. Above her, there was only the empress.

And she has never been arrogant because of being favored, and she is able to do everything with ease.

His biological mother died early, and he was bullied in the palace. Concubine Lin also took care of her time and time again. She was afraid that something would happen to her family, and she entrusted herself to the concubine Xiang, who was indifferent to the world but also highly respected. This made her deeply trusted by the late emperor. .

From the beginning to the end, he never forgot that this was a favor given to him by Concubine Lin...

Therefore, when Bai Bingxiang reported the matter of the jade pendant to the court, he, who has always ignored ordinary affairs, actually entered the palace overnight, asked for a secret decree, and went directly to the south of Yuezhou.

At first I thought it was just a cover set up by Bai Bingxiang, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be true...

When Lin Mosheng was dying, the late emperor hadn't yet launched an attack on Concubine Lin. Presumably, he felt that Concubine Lin was in favor for a while, so the late emperor could forgive her...

Unfortunately, he was wrong... The most ruthless emperor's family, no matter how attractive a woman is, once she is connected with Jiangshan, how can that high-ranking person tolerate her?
(End of this chapter)

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