The shrew of time travel

Chapter 611 This salt is a matter of life and death

Chapter 611 This salt is a matter of life and death

In any case, he recognized this jade pendant, and it was undoubtedly a family heirloom of the Lin family, but...

Jun Jiuge directly put the jade pendant into his arms.

"General Bai, this jade probably does not belong to the Lin family. If I have a good memory, this... should belong to my concubine. It has been lost for so many years. I am afraid that it was taken out of the palace by some servant. Unexpectedly, it was found by General Bai today. Alright, this king is here to replace my mother and concubine, thank you General Bai..."


Bai Bingxiang was dumbfounded all of a sudden, "This jade pendant belongs to the Lin family...His Royal Highness Nine"

"What?! How dare you question me?!"

Jun Jiuge raised his eyebrows slightly, actually putting pressure on Bai Bingxiang.

Not to mention Bai Bingxiang didn't expect this scene, even Mu Weichen and Mu Si didn't expect it.

"I...don't dare!"

Bai Bingxiang felt aggrieved for a while, unexpectedly her evidence was so easily put away by Jun Jiuge.

However, a flash of inspiration followed, "His Royal Highness Nine Kings, since this jade is lost by the concubine Xiang, this Mu Si is probably not a fugitive slave, so he must be severely punished to set the palace rules, Your Highness!"

Jun Jiuge's hand that hadn't been taken out of his arms suddenly paused.

Thinking that the Nine Kings are well-known and have always been able to distinguish between black and white, how could they expect to be favoritism today, but this Bai Bingxiang stepped on his tail.

Although I was a little annoyed in my heart, it was more embarrassing to do bad things with good intentions.

No matter what connection this Mu Si has with the Lin family and Concubine Lin, he must protect it!

Back then he was weak and unable to change Concubine Lin's situation, but now, he has to do something.

"Mother and concubine have always been kind-hearted. Now that the jade pendant has been found today, let's let it go. Besides, it has been a long time, and the disaster will not be as good as future generations. How old is this girl? She will definitely not have anything to do with the palace at this age." How to contact."

The implication is that it is not pursued.

Bai Bingxiang could see that the Nine Kings actually intended to protect Mu Si.

"Ha, so according to the Nine Kings, Mu Weichen's crime of treason should be forgotten?"

Rao was ashamed to die, but his status was inferior, so Bai Bingxiang had no choice but to swallow his breath first.

He is not clear about the abilities of the Nine Kings, but with that Fengming Sword in his hand, it is enough for him to be afraid.

Now, it's not the time to start trouble, he doesn't want to turn against Jun Jiuge at this moment.

However, things often backfire...

"Whether this king is plotting treason or not is already clear, but we seem to still have some accounts that we haven't settled..."

Seeing that Bai Bingxiang was at the end of his rope, Mu Weichen chuckled, not intending to let him go so easily.

"Mu, don't bully people too much!!!"

Seeing Mu Weichen's wicked smile, Bai Bingxiang was startled.

"General Bai was joking. Is it possible that the truth in this world is that the surname is Bai? Let's not mention the matter of you framing the king at will. I hope General Bai can give everyone an explanation just for the private salt that is full of boats... Oh, By the way, let's not say that this is a game set up to lure the king into the urn, you must know that the generation of the Central Plains has already rioted because of this salt, and General Bai's salt is a matter of life and death..."

Bai Bingxiang is at the end of his strength, and Mu Weichen will not be afraid of him.

Although I don't know why, this Jun Jiuge is actually on his side, but since he is really on the same front as himself, then he can't let this opportunity go for nothing...

Bai Bingxiang spit secretly, thinking that today's matter will not end well.

Seeing that Jun Jiuge is there, it is also a good thing to have a heart, no matter what, it is better than reading a copy of yourself in front of the Holy One afterwards, isn't it?
(End of this chapter)

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