Chapter 614
His kindness was ruined by Mu Weichen in an instant.

What Bai Bingxiang failed to do, Mu Weichen made persistent efforts.

He is not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs. It is true that rotten wood cannot be carved! ! !
Jun Jiuge's fair face suddenly turned a liver color.

On the other hand, Bai Bingxiang became elated when he heard that things seemed to have turned around.

Fortunately, he didn't just give Jun Jiuge a slap on the spur of the moment, and he almost missed a good show.

Mu Weichen, Mu Weichen, didn't he think that the daughter of a traitor general was more honorable than the fugitive slave?

Or is it true that the famous Prince Regent has already been fascinated by this ghost girl, and because of her, he wants to make an enemy of the entire Daze Kingdom?

After thinking about it secretly, Bai Bingxiang didn't come to any conclusion after all.

However, this did not prevent him from making a judgment. No matter what Mu Weichen thought, he decided to help Mu Weichen!
"Your Highness, since Prince Mu has doubts, it's better to wrong His Highness and take out the empress's jade pendant and lend him a look, so that he can be convinced! Empress is kind-hearted and understanding, I'm afraid she won't mind..."

Jun Jiuge immediately glanced at Bai Bingxiang angrily, and then looked at Mu Weichen's stubborn look, feeling frustrated.

He's so strenuous, he's even gained a reputation for favoritism, but he's out of character, what's he trying to do!

A hand like a shaving onion directly reached into his arms, took out the jade, and threw it directly at Mu Weichen's face.

He threw it angrily, but Mu Weichen picked it up cautiously.

Fortunately, he has good skills and good eyesight. If this thing falls on the ground, it will be impossible to explain...

I saw Mu Weichen took it with both hands, carefully grasping the silver chain on the jade pendant.

"The Nine Kings really missed it. There is indeed a small word 'Lin' on the jade pendant. It is undoubtedly the heirloom jade of the Lin family."

The words startled thousands of waves, Bai Bingxiang immediately put on a cold face, and shouted angrily.

"Okay, okay, okay! Mu Weichen, you said this yourself! This girl is a traitor, what else do you have to say now?! Your Highness, now that King Mu has personally admitted that he came to Mingli, Yuezhou to investigate Yan However, they secretly colluded with this traitor's daughter, just to recruit the former members of the Lin family, intending to rebel against Your Highness! Please order the Nine Kings, I will do my best to arrest this traitor and traitor with my own hands!"

Bai Bingxiang's words seemed to have been prepared long ago, but it was just the right time to say it.

He didn't even stutter, and spoke very fluently.

Jun Jiuge's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself, what should come is still here.

Now that the Bai family is powerful, Bai Bingxiang is domineering and domineering in the court, not to mention forming a party for personal gain, even the daughter of the Bai family is honorable, and the front and rear palaces are connected together. The emperor's house is exclusively favored. worry.

If Mu Weichen, the only person who can check and balance Bai Bingxiang, is also eliminated, then from now on, Daze will really be in trouble...

In the light of the calcium carbide fire, Jun Jiuge already thought a lot.

Although he doesn't live in a temple, he is far from being so confused that he can't recognize the reality, and he is not so stupid as to be used as a gun.

It's just this Mu Weichen... What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?

Or has he been thinking about it all the time, the regent is a fool in the first place?

"Mu Weichen, what else do you want to say?"

The matter has come to this point, Jun Jiuge cannot be allowed to think too much, he has no choice...

(End of this chapter)

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