The shrew of time travel

Chapter 615 Yunluo Jinxiu

Chapter 615 Yunluo Jinxiu
"Of course I have something to say, the king just said that this jade pendant is a family heirloom of the Lin family, but never said that this girl is a descendant of the Lin family..."

Taking a full view of the regret on Jun Jiuge's face, Mu Weichen was slightly surprised.

The Nine Kings, who seem to be non-human beings in the legend, seem to have some kind of thoughts of their own. At least, he doesn't seem to feel any malice towards him from the Nine Kings...

"My surname is Mu, what do you mean by that?! Since this jade is the precious jade of the Lin family, this girl is inseparable from the Lin family. You don't want to confuse the public and deceive everyone!"

After finally reaching this point, how could Bai Bingxiang let Mu Weichen stand up again?

"General Bai...don't be impatient, this jade is the heirloom of the Lin family, and she is naturally related to the Lin family. However, she is not the descendant of the Lin family, her surname is 'Jun'!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Mu Weichen finally gave everyone an answer.

The surname of 'Jun' is the surname of the country of Daze, not one of them.

If someone with the surname of Jun is not a relative of the emperor, he is a relative of the state, and the surname Mu Si...very good, even if he is not a princess Diji, he is also a princess...

Such a result is not what Bai Bingxiang wants to see.

This is not only what he doesn't want to see, it simply makes him hate it!

Mu Si was originally used to lower Mu Weichen's status. According to him, Mu Si is not only not a village girl, but a nobleman of the royal family. What's the point of having a pair of wings? !

"Mu Weichen, don't talk nonsense! With your sharp mouth alone, you are going to turn the world upside down. Are you too conceited? You are just a lowly girl, but you want to get involved in the royal blood. Mu Weichen, you are vain! What is the crime for confusing Daze's bloodline?!"

"General Bai, don't talk too much... After a while, the truth will come out, your crime of shocking and driving is not light!"

Mu Weichen had long wanted to get rid of Bai Bingxiang and then quickly, but Daze, since ancient times, has been this tradition of courtesy first and soldiers later.

Bad name, bad words!

Not to mention, behind him is the wealth and lives of thousands of soldiers, and a decision is the life and death of tens of thousands of soldiers, so he cannot act rashly.

"Mu Weichen, please make your words clear. Is this girl really a royal relative?"

Facing Jun Jiuge's question, Mu Weichen was not in a hurry to answer.

Instead, he took out Mu Si's swaddling clothes.

"This is the swaddle that Mu Si used back then. The Nine Kings have sharp eyesight, so they must know this material."

Speaking of which, Mu Weichen was not stingy, and directly handed the swaddle to Jun Jiuge.

"Yunluo Jinxiu..."

Of course Jun Jiuge knew him.

"When the first emperor was alive, he loved this brocade very much. He only said that Luo Jinxiu was the best brocade in the brocade. He got two silks spun by golden silkworms in Sichuan. At that time, Concubine Lin was still there, and she was honored and favored for a time. There was no other in the limelight. Yunluo Jinxiu has always been a special item in Concubine Lin's palace... Is this girl actually the emperor concubine born by Concubine Lin? It was rumored in the palace that Concubine Lin couldn't bear the pain of family extinction and strangled this girl to death with her own hands. Now It seems that it is all nonsense. Also, how can a gentle and virtuous person like Concubine Lin do such a thing as killing a daughter with her own hands?"

Looking at the baby, Jun Jiuge's eyes were full of admiration.

He called Concubine Lin in his mouth, but he did not know how many concubine mothers wept in his heart.

This is the concubine he recognized in his heart!

Mu Weichen originally guessed based on the jade pendant, but Jun Jiuge recognized it at a glance.

It saved a lot of trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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