Chapter 643

"Let King Mu see a joke..."

After a short pause, Yeluliang spoke again.

"A small maid is not worth mentioning. I hope that King Mu will be magnanimous and don't think too much about her."

Mu Weichen could tell that Yeluliang had lost his temper.

Only now, Yeluliang had broken Xiao Zhuo's neck with his own hands, and then reprimanded his Yan family. On the surface, it seems... It seems that people can't say anything.

Forcing himself to keep others, it seems that Mu Weichen has pushed his limits...

Therefore, at this moment Mu Weichen closed the fan and waved it twice, "Yelu Khan, don't worry, the things we talked about will not change."

Yeluliang was waiting for these words. Seeing Mu Weichen let go, the tense expression on his face finally relaxed, but at the next moment, he didn't know what to think, and suddenly became cold again.


After speaking, Yeluliang turned around and picked up Xiao Zhuo's body, and walked in front.

Baili Du Juan looked at this posture, how could she dare to stay any longer, she opened her mouth, but she didn't stop Yelu Liangcai, turned her head halfway, showing a unwilling expression, after all, she didn't dare to say any more harsh words.

Seeing that Yeluliang had just gone far, she covered her face and followed.

As soon as the two protagonists left, the warrior who followed Yeluliang followed closely behind.

This battle seemed to be won, but there was no joy on Mu Si's face.

This performance of Yelu Liangcai is really not optimistic.

"Master, I seem to have caused trouble for you."

Mu Si murmured while staring at the backs of these people leaving.

Mu Weichen shook his head after hearing this, "It's just that some things have been brought forward. I can handle his role. But you are surprised."

There is tenderness in the eyes looking at Mu Si.

However, when the word 'surprised' was mentioned, Mu Weichen couldn't help turning his head to Bo Yifei.

"Yifei, do you owe me an explanation..."

The cool gaze made this scorching summer day a bit more chilly.

"Damn it!"

Bo Yifei's heart skipped a beat, and he knelt down without even a word of excuse.

"Damn it indeed! Fortunately, you are just a girl this time. From now on, you will follow the princess to protect the safety of the princess. If there is anything wrong, you can come and see her!"

Speaking of mistakes, Mu Weichen couldn't help but look a little more stern.

It's nothing else, but when he thinks of what accident might happen to this girl, his heart can't help throbbing.

"Master, I asked him to find someone. This matter really has nothing to do with him."

Seeing Bo Yifei being punished, Mu Si couldn't help crying out for him.

"It seems that you are getting better and better. Go get ten big boards and learn a lesson. It's not that you shouldn't be punished, but I'm afraid you will poke something wrong again!"

After hearing this, Mu Weichen didn't look at Mu Si, but instead looked at Bo Yifei who was on the ground.

"My subordinate understands."

Now Bo Yifei knows more and more about the status of the princess in his master's heart. Although the princess's pleading made him add ten boards, he thinks it is worth it.

Immediately stood up and went to receive the punishment.

Mu Si wanted to say something else, but in the end he was afraid that things would backfire, so he hesitated to speak.

However, Mu Weichen had a panoramic view of her expression and said something meaningful.

"In this way he can protect you even more..."

Mu Si seemed to understand, but Mu Weichen continued.

"The army is full of men, and you don't have anyone to take care of you. After all, it's so inconvenient. When you fly back, let him accompany you to the slave market to pick a few girls. It's convenient for you to do whatever you want."

(End of this chapter)

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