The shrew of time travel

Chapter 644 Why Are You Congested?

Chapter 644 Why Are You Congested?
"There is a slave market here?"

Mu Si was slightly taken aback, the word 'slave' actually pierced his heart so nakedly.

"There are many tribes in the grassland, and there are constant disputes. Most of the slaves are captured from other tribes. Of course, there are also people from the Central Plains. Men, women, old and young, all of them..."

As Mu Weichen was talking, seeing the unnatural expression on Mu Si's face, he felt something in his heart, and quickly changed the subject.

"Even if I have the heart to help, I also have the heart to be powerless...Madam, in the thousands of worlds, you and I are all ants. Sometimes, I really can't do what I want..."

Mu Si knew in her heart that it was the same thing, but the pictures and texts in the textbook alone already made her feel compassionate.

As a soldier in the previous life, he had iron blood and tenderness!
Forget it, now she is just a peasant girl in a corner, and after a while of shit luck, she became the princess of Laoshizi, but she really regards herself as a character.

Do as the Romans do as the Romans do, as the Romans do as the Romans... I silently recited it many times in my heart, and Mu Si felt better.

"What I'm talking about is... I'll bring them back, they can still live a good life, if they fall into the hands of others, I don't know what they will suffer."

Although she has tried her best to restrain herself, the expression on her face has completely betrayed her.

Mu Weichen has always thought that his wife is a careless person, courageous and knowledgeable, and has the tendency of "women don't give in to men". Looking at this girl's expression now, and thinking about the cruelty of the slave market, his heart unexpectedly I feel a little regretful.

Did he, do something wrong?

"Ma'am, why don't you ask Yifei to pick out two desirable ones for you and bring them back to you..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mu Si's chuckle again.

"I want to pick someone who I like, but how can I meet my wishes? Since you spit it out, there is absolutely no reason to go back on your word. I would like to see this slave market... you want Give me more silver, don't let me tie my hands and feet..."

In the front, you can still be serious, but in the back, there is a bit of cuteness in Ermu's four words, which makes people feel itchy.

Mu Weichen's ears were reddish, he had left early and returned late in the past half month, and he had been on the road day and night before, now that he thinks about it, it's been a long time since he was happy with her...

Tonight... I must not let her go tonight...

I made up my mind, but the enthusiasm in my heart was even more annoying...

"What's mine is yours, just watch the flowers go."

Mu Weichen chuckled, very generously.

But Mu Si pinched his nose with one hand.

"Hmph, you fake generosity! Don't try to cheat me into losing the military pay of the soldiers! I am a moral military wife, and I only spend my money on business!"

These words fell softly into Mu Weichen's ears and into Mu Weichen's heart. He felt warm in his heart, but it was not as good as the scorching sun.

His wife... really, the best...

Suddenly feeling something strange somewhere in his body, Mu Weichen felt very embarrassed, and his face suddenly flushed red with embarrassment.

When did he lose his self-control?

"Ma'am... I still have something..."

Mu Si didn't know why, he had never seen him look like this before.

"But the enemy army is coming? Or is it that Yeluliang is too difficult?"

When Mu Weichen heard this, he felt so aggrieved that he was about to die.

Why did he ruin his fame in this life just because of such embarrassing things today, and crown him the name of an incompetent prince?

He replied sullenly, why is Mu Weichen so stuffy?
(End of this chapter)

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