The shrew of time travel

Chapter 645 How could she be a bird in a cage?

Chapter 645 How could she be a bird in a cage?
Seeing his lack of confidence, Mu Si wondered if he was 'insincere'...

However, when it comes to Yelu Liangcai, Mu Si's attitude is quite serious.

"Yeluliang's behavior just now is really strange. That Xiaozhuo is just a maidservant, and he actually asked him to carry it himself? And what's the 'Yanshi', when Yeluliang killed Xiaozhuo, that woman seemed to have something to say !"

Seeing Mu Si talking about serious business, Mu Weichen's hot feeling in his heart also faded a lot, after hearing Mu Si's words, Mu Weichen felt even more emotional.

"Madam, it's a good thing you're not a's a good thing, you're Madam..."

"I can take it as, are you praising me?"

When saying this, I have to say that Mu Si's mood is still very happy.

Seeing Mu Si's innocent face, Mu Weichen couldn't bear to say the following words.

"The behavior of Yeluliang is really weird. I have sent someone to investigate. Ma'am, there is no need to worry. Yifei has always done his duty. I know you don't want him to be punished. It's just ma'am, you are like my life. If you have something to do, I won't be safe. Let him have a long memory, don't spoil him...

Even if it's for me, for my husband's peace of mind, madam must protect herself.

We have settled down in the grassland now, the short term is three to five years, and the long term is a lifetime... These people are all eyeing up, trying their best to take the lives of you and me, as husbands, they dare not let go... ..."

Mu Weichen felt a deep sense of guilt for not having a good conversation with Mu Si for half a month.

"Okay, I will protect myself well, but Yifei stayed by my side, and Chaosheng didn't follow..."

Mu Si also felt that his force value was really not enough.

"My injury has healed early...I'll let you see tonight..."

Mu Weichen smiled ambiguously at Mu Si as he spoke, and then straightened his posture again.

"Don't worry...the two of them together are no match for me, I can rest assured if I leave Yifei to you..."

It's nonsense logic to say that there is no need for guards when the injury is healed.

It's no joke that two fists can't beat four hands.

When Mu Si was moved, she couldn't shirk it anymore, it wasn't because she was greedy for life and afraid of death, but now that she seemed to be the doctor's weakness, she couldn't bear to make him worry anymore.

"it is good."

Thousands of words finally condensed into a good word, and Mu Weichen was relieved.

"Ma'am, I should really go. I'll be back in a short while, let him take you to the slave market."

"it is good."

With a happy response, Mu Si watched Mu Weichen go away, and did not go back until he could no longer see Mu Weichen's back.

She didn't know that after she left, Mu Weichen, who was supposed to disappear, reappeared around the corner.

Seeing her quarreling with Mu Xiu'e from afar, Mu Weichen looked complicated.

Fortunately, Madam is not a man, fortunately, Madam is Madam...

A woman as smart as Madam, if she can't get it... really can make people want to be destroyed...

As soon as such a terrifying thought appeared in his mind, Mu Weichen was surprised even by himself.

However, thinking that other people would think the same way, he couldn't help but want to hide Mu Si...

Suddenly Mu Weichen was taken aback for a moment, and then shook his head to himself.

What is he thinking?

How could that girl be a bird in a cage?

This annoying thought wandered around in Mu Weichen's mind, and disappeared without even casting a shadow.

Forget it, fortunately she married him, Mu Weichen. I'm afraid he is the only one who can protect such a woman...

(End of this chapter)

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