The shrew of time travel

Chapter 652 Prove it to me

Chapter 652 Prove it to me

Mu Si cast a cold glance at Nvwa, and didn't give her this chance just because of her 'lower dignity'.

"Sister, let's go."

From the beginning to the end, Mu Si's attitude was indifferent.

Even apart from asking Bo Yifei to repair the strong man earlier, Mu Si didn't show any mood swings, and even Mu Xiu'e didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Mu Si's gourd.

Seeing that Mu Si wanted to leave now, she let Mu Si hold her arm, and walked directly towards the rusty iron gate.

From beginning to end, there was no turning back.

Mu Xiu'e didn't understand, and that girl didn't understand even more.

She didn't understand why Mu Si still refused to take her after she had made such a big concession.

In order to make himself obedient, that fat man did not know how many tricks he used.

The woman in front of her didn't take herself seriously.

However, what was even scarier was that, calm down and really think about it, she was right.

I didn't even have a reason for her to want me.

He stood there for a long time, until Mu Si was about to step through the iron gate.

"Wait a moment!"

As if she had finally made up her mind, the girl yelled at Mu Si.

Mu Si stopped immediately, but didn't look back.

But just like this, the girl seemed to calm down suddenly when she saw that Mu Si didn't go any further.

Without saying much, instead he knelt down on the spot towards Mu Si with a plop.

"I will be loyal to you in the future, listen to your words, this life will be yours from now on."

The corners of Mu Si's mouth curled up slightly with his back to the girl, not too stupid, but Mu Si still didn't turn his head.

"Oh? Why? What's the difference between following me and following that man?"

"You saved me, but he imprisoned me, grabbed me, and tried to sell me!"

As the girl said, a monstrous anger flashed in her eyes.

After hearing these words, the corners of Mu Si's mouth twitched even wider, and when he turned his head, there was a tinge of sarcasm on that magnificent face.

"You are not reconciled... You resist and struggle so hard, isn't it just for freedom? Now that you have just escaped from the fire pit, you are going to enter my wolf den, so you are not afraid of being gnawed to the bone? Little Girl, you have to know that there is a price for everything. Since you want to get my blessing, you must pay the price. I am not a saint."

Speaking of which, this is the first time that Mu Si has talked about this.

"I will be loyal to you!"

After being tossed and tossed by Mu Siyi several times in a row, the girl learned it well.

"Oh? Loyal? How loyal? Prove it to me."

The girl spoke nicely, but Mu Si was not so easily moved.

Seeing the dazed look on the girl's face, Mu Si glanced at the strong man who was knocked to the ground by Bo Yifei.

"Do you hate him?"

Confused, the girl followed Mu Si's gaze and saw the man she hated so much, she immediately gritted her teeth.


"kill him."

Pulling out the machete on her body and handing it over, the girl's expression was a little struggling.

"He treats you like a pig and a dog. Why, you don't even have the courage to avenge yourself? A person who can't be loyal to himself, why is he loyal to me?"

Mu Si's slightly disdainful eyes hurt the girl's self-esteem, she stood up from the ground in anger, snatched the knife from Mu Si's hand, and glanced at Mu Si angrily, the girl turned her head away With strides, he walked towards the man with a scimitar in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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