Chapter 653 A Gentleman's Revenge, Ten Years Are Not Too Late

Seeing the girl walking away gradually, Mu Xiu'e couldn't bear it.

"Si'er, she's just a child..."

After hearing this, Mu Si shook his head, "The world doesn't lower its demands on her just because she is a child, and those villains only show sympathy to her because she is weak. If they want to protect themselves, they must learn to take up weapons by themselves."

At this point, Mu Si moved his steps.

"Sister, let's go and have a look."

When Mu Xiu'e saw that Mu Si moved, she followed closely.

The conversation between the three of them had already been heard clearly in Bo Yifei's ears, and seeing the female slave coming over with his wife's scimitar, she immediately kicked the man on the ground, touched the man's acupuncture points, and then stood aside went.

Feeling something in his heart, he turned his head and saw his wife and Mu Xiu'e walking towards this side, and the wife even gave him a wink.

Immediately reacting and nodding, Bo Yifei turned his gaze back to the female slave in front of him.

I saw the female slave holding the handle of the knife with both hands, but those hands were shaking constantly, the expression on her face was struggling, and beads of sweat kept rolling down her forehead, which showed that she was not feeling well.

However, it was the man who was pointed at by the tip of the knife that was even more uncomfortable.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me... everyone is the same... don't kill me, I don't want to die, I don't want to die..."

Although he couldn't move his hands and feet, the man kept begging for mercy. Beads of sweat rolled together and merged in the gullies on his face, forming streams that trickled down.

It's fine if he doesn't speak, but now speaking, it aroused the hatred of the girl with the knife.

"You don't want to die? Finally, you also feel the feeling of being slaughtered? You also have today!"

As she spoke, a trace of cruelty flashed across the female slave's eyes, and the hands holding the handle of the knife were lifted up suddenly, and they were about to pierce it down.

However, before the female slave's knife was about to hit the strong man, Bo Yifei kicked her knife away first.

The female slave's eyes shot at Bo Yifei, she was very resentful, as if she was blaming Bo Yifei for obstructing her affairs.

"He can't die yet. If he dies, it will cause trouble for Madam."

Bo Yifei felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, and explained in a strange way.

"What Yifei said was that I believe that this person has also learned a lesson after this incident, so let's stop here."

Seeing Bo Yifei keeping his hand before, Mu Si knew that there might be some rules that he didn't know about. Seeing what Bo Yifei said now, he felt more confident.

"Didn't you just say that if you dare not even take revenge, you have no right to stay by your side?"

Hearing what Mu Si said, the female slave shot her gaze at Mu Si again.

His eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

"Revenge is indeed necessary, but you must know that there is a saying, 'It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge'. When you can't shake the rules... you must first understand it..."

Speaking of which, Mu Si looked at the two iron gates again, she had already spent a lot of time here...

The female slave seemed to understand, but she also understood that she would not be able to kill this man today.

Immediately, he lowered his head and knelt down in front of Mu Si, feeling inexplicable.

"Do you have a name?"

Mu Si asked a question, and then continued on without waiting for her answer.

"That's all. It's half summer now, so you can call me Banxia. Get up, we should go."


With a low reply, Ban Xia stood up from the ground and followed behind Mu Si.

"Yifei, deal with it, follow immediately. Our business has not been done yet."

(End of this chapter)

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