The shrew of time travel

Chapter 654 Slave Market

Chapter 654 Slave Market
"Newly cooked slave buns! Newly cooked slave buns! Drink Han blood and eat Han meat! Don't miss it when you pass by!"

"Take a look, take a look! The new Loulan women and children have thin skin and tender meat, and the taste is very delicious!"


As soon as you entered the door, the smell of blood rushed to your face, and all kinds of yelling voices squeezed into your ears desperately, with more inquiring gazes, hitting the three of them one after another, but soon, they came again. retreated.

The bloody scimitar, the woman tied to the iron frame waiting to be slaughtered, the child boiled in the pot...

All challenges people's senses, outside the iron gate, Ban Xia was beaten already made Mu Si feel a little unbearable, but compared with inside the iron gate, Ban Xia seems to be really, much happier.

Only now did Mu Si understand what Ban Xia meant by 'he wants my life', and finally understood why she would rather give her life to herself than follow that man.

Self respect, freedom?
Life is the most important thing!
With the experience of bullets and bullets in her previous life, this scene in front of her is nothing but brutal, but to Mu Xiu'e, this place is simply hell on earth!
When Mu Si's mind traveled beyond the sky, she had already vomited until it was dark.

Mu Xiu'e vomited louder and louder, and the eyes cast around her were more joking and gloating.

"Ban Xia, is this the reason why you refuse to come in?"

Mu Si felt that there were some things that she really knew too little.

I saw a sneer at the corner of Banxia's mouth, "Slaves are not even human beings in their eyes. The price is often not as good as that of Erzhugou. That's it, and there are still some that cannot be sold. If so, they will be taken by the slave owner. Come here to slaughter. Naturally, there are some people who cannot be sold, but they can be sold at a good price, for example, children..."

Without looking at Ban Xia's expression, Mu Si only felt that Ban Xia's words were tears and blood.

There is a feeling of oppression that makes people breathless.

When Bo Yifei hurried back, he saw Mu Si standing at the door with a gloomy face, not knowing what to think.

Taking another glance at Mu Xiu'e, who was already unable to stand firmly, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He was busy unblocking the man's acupuncture point just now, but he forgot about it.

Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with Madam. If she didn't know, who would have thought that Madam came here for the first time.

Not to mention Mu Xiu'e, even when he came here for the first time, he couldn't help but spit it out.

Seeing that his wife was fine now, Bo Yifei was relieved, but at the same time, he knew his wife a little more in his heart.

As expected of Madam, nothing can trouble her.

"Madam, this is the slaughterhouse. The place we are looking for is not here."

Bo Yifei's words finally brought a glimmer of hope to Mu Xiu'e who was vomiting so hard that she couldn't see the light of day.

Before Mu Si could speak, she couldn't wait to leave.

"Fly fast, lead the way quickly."

She felt that if she stayed for a while longer, she might spit out her intestines...

"Hey! Big Sister Mu... Big Sister Mu!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Mu Xiu'e finished speaking, she passed out directly.

Fortunately, Bo Yifei, with his quick eyes and hands, grabbed Mu Xiu'e and saved her from falling on the pile of vomit.

"Yifei, carry the eldest sister on your back, and lead the way in front of you."

Mu Si glanced at Mu Xiu'e who had fainted, and it was fine if she fainted.

It will save me from suffering again. If she knew the situation here, she would not have let Mu Xiu'e follow her...

"Ma'am, I will carry it."

While thinking about it, Ban Xia actually spoke.

Mu Si glanced at her bruised bamboo body, and raised his eyebrows in disgust.

"If you want to work, you have to take care of yourself first!"

(End of this chapter)

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