The shrew of time travel

Chapter 655 Is This A Slave?

Chapter 655 Is This A Slave?

Ban Xia opened her small mouth slightly, but unexpectedly got this answer.

Take good care of yourself?

She never thought that this word would appear in her life.

Thinking about my choice before, I couldn't help but feel a little lucky.

Glancing at the Shura Field from the corner of her eye, she couldn't help showing a trace of pity in her eyes, and once again lamented her luck, she quickly ran two steps and followed closely behind her master.

Her body was covered with new and old wounds, she had already been ripped apart, but at this moment she seemed not to be able to feel it, she just wanted to follow the madam closely, for fear that she would get lost if she was not careful...

I don't know how long it took, but the sun became hotter and hotter.

The smell of blood finally gradually faded away, only the smell of dead bodies lingered on the nostrils and could not go away for a long time.

However, it's the so-called 'out of sight, out of mind', I can feel better if I don't think about those cruel scenes just now.

Compared to the blood-stained Asura field, the place where slaves are traded is more like a barn.

The slave traders sat lazily under thatched parasols, looking at the iron cages in front of them, or there was no cage at all, and they directly put iron hoops around the necks of the slaves and tied them Iron chains, even iron cages are saved.

Those pairs of empty and numb eyes had already lost the will to survive, but they still couldn't help shaking when they heard the miserable cries from the 'Sura Field'.

Only at this time can they feel that they are still truly alive.

Passing by the cage beside him, Mu Si saw with his own eyes the woman naked, with loose hair, eating the food in the basin like a dog.

Hearing footsteps, she didn't even lift her eyes, which showed that she was used to it.

What she saw and heard after entering this iron gate was far beyond Mu Si's imagination, and she didn't even know where to start.

How different is this from the legendary buyer of a girl and a buyer, is this a slave?

In a trance, she began to miss the days when she grew up under the red flag in her previous life. Without comparison, there would be no harm... When life cannot be preserved, it is too extravagant to talk about freedom and equality...

Unknowingly, Bo Yifei had already slowed down, as if waiting for Mu Si to choose, but after all this, she didn't have any interest in making choices. She was like a tourist, walking in this scorching sun. On the street, I just feel cold all over my body.

No wonder there is a saying that ignorance is the scariest thing in this world.

"Brother! Brother!"

The sharp cry interrupted Mu Si's contemplation, before she could fully recover, Ban Xia beside her screamed and rushed out, leaving her with only a glimpse.

There was a thump in my heart, my body had already reacted with my brain one step ahead, and the hair came first, and finally stopped Ban Xia before she got into trouble.

"What, you want to buy him?"

The slave trader watching the stall heard the heart-piercing roar of Banxia, ​​instead of blaming him, he showed a touch of interest.

Grabbing the carefully trimmed mustache, the slave trader looked Mu Si up and down before asking.

"Madam, please! Please, he's my brother!"

Ban Xia knelt down with a plop, pleading all over her face.

Seeing her ignorant appearance, Mu Si was already three points angry, and glanced at the person on the shelf, with the same stubborn and stubborn eyes, ha, it's really not a family, don't come into the house.

(End of this chapter)

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