Chapter 670

"Yes! It's just that my lord, my wife will inevitably have some errands here, and I am alone as a subordinate, so it is inevitable that there will be something that I can't reach..."

Thinking of the elite soldiers his wife had just mentioned, Bo Yifei felt his conscience and self-esteem ache at the same time, and the words slipped out.

Mu Weichen stared at the galloping Bo Yifei for a moment, as if trying to find out why he suddenly became so "incompetent".

But after thinking about it, Yifei's laziness can probably be ruled out.

I can't say what kind of strength I used in front of that girl again, so I can't explain it.

After all, it's for Madam... Thinking about it this way, Mu Weichen really let him go again.

"Well, how many people do you plan to have?"

Bo Yifei was really surprised that my grandfather agreed so easily.

He immediately raised a smirk and snapped his fingers.

"Eight... no, ten, ten..."

That stupid look made Mu Weichen feel a little guilty.

Yifei is a right cavalry general, he has led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses at most, and now even these ten soldiers have to be so cautious, he really feels a little uncomfortable.

Turning his head away uncomfortably, and coughing twice, Mu Weichen turned his head and said.

"The defense on Madam's side is too weak. Bring all the soldiers you brought over in Tianshui Town to Madam. You can take them with you. Madam's side must not make any mistakes!"

Happiness came so suddenly, I thought ten was the limit, but I didn't want to give two hundred at once.

It's just... suddenly thinking of something, the joy on Bo Yifei's face suddenly faded away, leaving only a look of panic.

Immediately knelt down on one knee, "Master, that's your personal guard... The subordinates are not by your side, so it must have been a hindrance, and now the guards are assigned to the subordinates, otherwise one hundred... fifty... five Ten will do..."

I have to admit that Mu Weichen is still happy that Yifei can still think of himself at this time.

He has no intention of being jealous with his wife, he just took Yifei for more than ten years, if Yifei really left him behind so quickly, he would feel uncomfortable...

"If I give you two hundred, it's two hundred. Always give newcomers a chance. You left, and now Chaosheng is staying in the Central Plains. Let Qin Huai and Xiao Tian come over, so that you can stay by Madam's side with peace of mind... But I feel wronged." gone?"

"Ah... don't feel wronged!"

Slightly surprised, Bo Yifei immediately said firmly.

"Don't be wronged or dare not be wronged?"

Seeing that his attitude was firm, Mu Weichen was somewhat satisfied, but he didn't listen to his promise, so he was always a little uneasy.

"No grievance! Madam is a hero among women, a heroine, and my subordinates have never felt wronged!"

This was really what Bo Yifei was thinking. He saw with his own eyes that his wife had become able to compete with him in a short period of time, and it was not unforeseeable that she would surpass him in the near future.

Not to mention that in the slave market, the madam commanded her well, and her aura was not inferior to the prince's.

He was convinced and had nothing to complain about.

He understood in his heart how much his grandfather valued his wife, and entrusting his wife to him was the greatest trust in him.

"Take care of her for me."

These meaningful words with a little helplessness and regret passed into Yifei's ears without reservation.

He actually felt that this was not an order from his master, but more like an entrustment, the feeling of a man entrusting his woman's safety to him...

When did he become such a mother-in-law? Thinking about it this way, Bo Yifei wished he could give him a mouth.

He quickly shook his head and threw out the messy thoughts, and then he answered loudly.


Mu Weichen nodded after listening, satisfied, paused for a while, and then walked towards the tent...

(End of this chapter)

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